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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Yep, because nobody in politics is prepared to bite the bullet demanded by the public in the referendum. Any contributions to a body over which you have no say is clearly a gross waste of public funds. The suggestion that the proposed agreement will safeguard jobs is just as deluded as the idea we can have anything we want. The EU can put pressure on national politicians to get firms to repatriate any jobs to shore up their domestic position as it would no longer be working against an EU member. The idea of us signing up to a perpetual transition period means we have no way of pursuing ANY strategy. This is a windfall of unprecedented scale for the EU - a competitor that pays you to tie its hands by agreeing a non-competition clause whilst getting nothing in return doesn't come along every day. For all those anxious to pooh-pooh Rees-Mogg's assertion that we would become a vassal state to the EU, I would suggest that a state which is not allowed to pursue it's own sovereign policies independent of the opposing party; where the latter is given additional rights to determine the movement of goods within former's sovereign territory, is quite categorically subservient to the master. We even pay for the privilege of being screwed, but that is much a case of as you were. Everything the EU does is related to their own Great Leap Forward, where the ultimate aim is their European superstate. That any UK politician should willingly sign up to bankrolling that ambition in perpetuity without requiring something in return beggars belief. 100 years from now we will still be unable to negotiate trade deals with the rest of the world, because the question of the Irish border has not been agreed. The EU can let this one run for as long as they want to get a no-strings financial windfall. Personally, I would prefer to have the flexibility to work myself out of a sticky position without legal restrictions, than be tied to the control of a foreign body that cares nothing for myself, this country or its people. Ultimately, charity begins at home.
  2. 1 point
    Jerry, I’d give your fantasy coin NVF, maybe more, but agree with the others that the donor coin is near fine at best. It’s tricky isn’t it with hammereds, you have to take them as a whole. A great many can have one or two as-struck devices, yet are worn everywhere else. This can be due to a slight curvature in the flan that protects a small part of the design, or a heavy strike to one edge of the coin that fills up the die, creating a nice chunky cross to protect the surrounding devices, whilst the weaker, less-filled, areas quickly wear away. The reasons are as many as the coins. The winner for hammered is eye-appeal every time! As you know, an ugly VF coin will not be worth more than a pretty, nicely struck, GF or NVF. So for me grade has never been a big factor in judging hammered coins, you’ve either got an eye for a quality coin or you haven’t. I do recall you having an eye! 👍
  3. 1 point
    They're probably wily enough to use bullion-grade florins as their source metal.
  4. 1 point
    Not sure why they don't just put the annual reports with this information on the website? Much easier.
  5. 1 point
    In my case, colours are a lottery. The camera will do as it pleases. It's about as consistent as autofocus, which again seems to be a random setting. I suspect I'm not the only person with this issue.
  6. 1 point
    Hmm, and yet Bob, it gives all the impression of a worn out die.
  7. 1 point
    DNW are going to spoil my Christmas one way or another. They're selling a fantastic token collection December 4th. If the estimates are anywhere near accurate, I'll probably spend too much and we'll be eating baked beans on the 25th. If some items take off the way I believe they will I'll probably be sulking until February. https://www.dnw.co.uk/auctions/catalogue/results.php?auction_id=506
  8. 1 point
    Looks like HENRIC DI GRA REX ANG to me. Jerry
