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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    What goes round comes round. This one was brought to me today at the market as a gift from a chap I had helped assess his collection of modern silver crowns. (He couldn't work out which were silver and which were not.) Anyway, a pretty nice 1908 Penny - I believe 2+D, F166 so not scarce but nice as a freebie!
  2. 1 point
    As an example, here is a picture of two 1887 florins (left currency, right proof).
  3. 1 point
    I don't think Corbyn has ever really been the 'Leader' more a front for Momentum, I believe they formed in 2015 to support his Bid as leader and supported him when challenged, since then they have effectively taken over the NEC. A report earlier this year said they had motioned an action that they could remove the Labour Leader and put in place a 'temporary' leader under their instruction until a suitable replacement was found. i.e. They could run the Party/Country in the meantime, Don't know if it ever got through though.
  4. 1 point
    I could handle Labour if they weren't led by the quasi communist Corbyn, and his bunch of loud mouthed, ignorant, abusive acolytes. Moreover, I still want to know what direct action Corbyn plans to deal with the Brexit crisis. He's been too busy telling all and sundry what May is making a mess of, to actually tell the public what he would do if the EU still won't budge. So Mr (apparently) Prime Minister in waiting, please tell us. I'm sure we're all ears.
  5. 1 point
    Vote of no confidence tonight. I suspect that the Tories are about to vote themselves out of power for the rest of my life.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Another for the collection. 1907 "Crockers Drapery Exhibition" seen better days but hey ho they are not easy to find 😃
  8. 1 point
    Couple of hours out detecting this morning until it started to rain really heavy, on the way back to the car a quiet signal had me digging my last hole. Out pops a little hammered covered in sticky mud. Thought I should just put it in my tin and wait till I’m home to see who it was. Henry IV halfpenny I’m pretty sure, withers type 4. Can anyone confirm, many thanks
  9. 1 point
    This is the coin that @Paddy drew our attention to a week or two back. He was selling it on e bay, and I was the only bidder. Just received today. It may be a common date, but this is no common representation of it. UNC, a truly superb strike, great hair detail, totally flawless and with immaculate toning. I initially though that the obverse was EF, but in hand, I'm half inclined to think that what appears at first glance to be wear at the highest points is in fact residual lustre. But either way, it's still a truly outstanding specimen, and amazing value at only £19.95. Thanks Paddy from a very satisfied customer (apologies, again, I've got that colour variation)
