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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Just as a cautionary note on Court - his estimates are pre-melt, which makes the more obscure/less recognisable varieties more likely to have been melted down. He reckoned the 1926ME was twice as rare as the 1946 ONE', while Gouby reckons it's the other way round.
  2. 1 point
    Thanks Peck. I've underslept, been up since 3.30 and now I've got this strange desire to listen to Bill bloody Bailey all day.
  3. 1 point
    Not life, but they should certainly be made an example of, 5 years should be good. I have a drone myself and these idiots are just making the hobby all the harder
  4. 1 point
    I have also seen that Heritage sometimes use the wrong HS code and they should really know better.
  5. 1 point
    I have 15 & 16 recessed ears, both in good EF but still looking for a decent filled 5 1915 though. I agree 1915 is harder - V R Court figures from circulation coins were 1915 277/2425 1 in 8.75 = approx mintage of 5.4 M 1916 921/4013 1 in 4.36 = approx mintage of 16.1 M So approx 3 times as many 1916s than 1915s, and you have to search twice as many 1915s to find one by comparison for other 20th C scarce pennies Court estimates the following mintages 1903 open 3 37,300 1908 F164a 55,550 1909 F169 23,200 1911 Gouby X 188,000 1926 ME 107,750 1946 dot 384,200 He didn't find any 1922/7, and no mention of the 1909 dot Good luck folks for finding any of these in top grade!
