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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    To be honest, I can't see that negative feedback is justified there: 1. Is it genuine? Yes, it would seem so. 2. Is what you received the coin pictured on the listing? Yes it is, so no issue there. 3. Is his description misleading or wrong? Not really - he did not assign a formal grade. "Very High Grade" is entirely subjective and not far out. Very Fine also contains the "very" word. I would give a solid GVF to the reverse but only VF to the obverse - which is typical with Victorian silver. His pictures look OK to me - I can't see he was hiding anything there. 4. Was the price fair? Probably a bit high, but you chose to pay it. Negative feedback is a big deal for regular sellers, so I would save it for a really bad listing. If you are really unhappy with it, ask to return it for a refund, don't hit him with a negative out of the blue.
  2. 1 point
    In my view, "very high grade" simply imply that you need to grade the coin yourself. It is a very popular phrase because it means different things to different people and the seller cannot get into trouble for using it. For me, I might think that MS65 onward are very high grades for a Old Head florin. I haven't got an example yet but will only consider getting one that is UNC or very near UNC. Another might reasonably argue that the coin concerned, VF/GVF, is indeed a very high grade when compared to the large number of worn specimens around. I totally agree with Mike regarding the photos. Generally speaking, I think "very high grade" for Victorian coins usually mean it is less than EF.
  3. 1 point
    One other thing to watch out for with the safe option: do your research on any company you plan to buy from or do the installation. I fear that many security companies also leak information to the criminal fraternity. 20 years ago or so, when I was married, we decided to get security lighting etc installed on an outside stable block in which we stored horse tack. Within a week of it being installed it was raided and all the tack stolen when we had never had any burglary before. (They also nearly burnt the stable down with the horses still inside by throwing a blanket over the hot lighting.) Since then I have been somewhat distrusting of security companies as I can see no other way that the burglars suddenly decided to target us.
  4. 1 point
    Make sure it's securly bolted to the floor or concreted in. As a teenager I can remember the place where my mum worked being burgled and the safe, about two foot high and almost as deep, was found out in the carpark some 150 meters away. While they didn't get in it the last thing you want is your collection rattling around inside if they do try to move it
  5. 1 point
    I recommend a good heavy strong safe. Personally I would not consider leaving my collection either at work or with a friend/neighbour due to potential insurance issues in the case of a fire or theft at their premises.
  6. 1 point
    Everyone has their own judgement as to what's a high grade coin and what isn't, they could argue that in their opinion it is high grade, if they aren't regular sellers of coins then their opinion will be off by a mile
  7. 1 point
    I’m just going to hang on in the hope of finding one in change, just think how rare CIRCULATED examples will be! Jerry
  8. 1 point
    After not seeing one in my change I bought a set to store away a while back.
  9. 1 point
    Thanks Paddy. Fair comment. I was a bit peeved at the time but thought I should hold my fire. Caveat Emptor. It enhances, although not foolproof, the case for TPGed coins.
