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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    License to Print Money comes to mind😁😉
  3. 1 point
    in case anyone is interested, 2019 A-Z 10p's, same design as 2018, with 2.1 million going into circulation https://www.royalmint.com/coinhunt/2019/
  4. 1 point
    The fact that there are three subtlety different ‘open three’’s in 1863 would suggest that this was a deliberate experiment and not a one-off mistake, though I cannot tie it in with the 1903. I suppose it could have been an alternative way of marking individual dies, more subtle than die numbers in what clearly was a year for study/experimentation. But I am not aware of any serious study on the topic. Jerry
  5. 1 point
    One to watch! https://davcoin.com/lot/printed-auction-38-lot-134?utm_source=Davissons+Ltd&utm_campaign=07b93ac9b1-a38-closes-tomorrow&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3777ece20e-07b93ac9b1-134878717
  6. 1 point
    2.1m into cirtculation, but no comment on how many will be minted for profiteering sales.
  7. 1 point
    That is the point, these Governments didn't like the result so they went back out with reworded options rather than respect the results. If the populous had voted leave again there would have probably been more referendums until they got the result they wanted, Kier Starmer on BBC this morning has said there would be only two options, either the 'bad Deal' or remain, already indications the referendum will be weighted towards remain. That referendum has been done and dusted, it should be respected whichever way you voted. The question should be Deal or No Deal. Calling it a 'Peoples Vote' only disguises the fact it will be a referendum rerun. Labours own 'Brexit' version is to stay in the custom union, stay in the single market and have a place on the top table for decision making..basically that is remain. it would mean accepting EU laws and freedom of movement, the two main reasons people voted to leave. MPs are pushing for extension to negotiations after 29th March, first it was a year or two, now it is only up until May. which seems conveniently aligned with the EU parliaments members election. The next General/Council elections will be interesting.
  8. 1 point
    Absolutely right. Earlier one of the posts on this matter asserted that the government's responsibility was to act in a way that that it thinks is in the best interest of the country. Even quoting Churchill, which was amusing considering the left leanings of the author. The difference here is the government specifically asked the people for their vote on the matter as they were split.. Having received a vote to leave from the people many polies refuse to accept the decision of the people which is damaging to the political processes of the country and likely to cause far more long term damage to the country than any no deal Brexit.
  9. 1 point
    Unfortunately there is already a precedence for Governments to call a second referendum on EU votes they don't like, and a couple have just ignored them, Ireland was first with Lisbon Treaty, followed by France, Denmark and Greece, now it would seem the UK. Most Polls before the referendum showed clearly most asked wanted to Remain, the actual vote proved different, so I would discount them as a barometer of public feeling. A second referendum would do untold harm to the Political system whatever the outcome
  10. 1 point
    What will happen when the 52% who voted leave and are being told they must change their mind, don't? I think most are pretty p'd off already. This whole affair has been plagued by a parliament that is working its collective b******s off to ensure they don't do as instructed. Essentially, the decision to leave has been hijacked by 600 MPs. Maybe it would be better if some members claimed political asylum in the EU seeing as they hold the EU closer to their heart than their desire to represent the wishes of the people. Whatever, I can't see the current system surviving as you were, and think there is a serious possibility of political anarchy in the short term with only the schizophrenic SNP (want to leave a union/don't want to leave a union) and the Lib Dems who will support anything European remaining intact as coherent units. The entire political structure is on the point of breaking, if it hasn't done so already.
  11. 1 point
    How does this guy get away with selling these on ebay, it says nothing about them being fakes! with 100% feed back..... zotdrago0
