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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Sums it up nicely...worth watching.
  2. 2 points
    Class 10ab London( the old Fox bros 10b) have a look at my Grunal Moneta facebook photo albums for hi rez photos and photo illustrations of all the Edward I penny sub-classes you will find it useful https://www.facebook.com/654941368041899/photos/a.664540367081999/664541107081925/?type=3
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    You could always claim it was William Wyon as a child!
  6. 1 point
    Just thought I'd start a new topic on this, there is much to debate, not for the first time I am sure! A while back I acquired 2 'pieces of eight' examples, the type collector in me wants at least a 4 reales, example and an octagonal counter-stamp example. Here are my 2 (Mexico and Bolivia (Potosi) mints), would love to see other members' examples!
  7. 1 point
    In this example, with the legend, incurved letters, and bifoliate crown (that’s not one of the easily identifiable Ed II crowns), it’s a no-brainer for Class 10. With Class 10, for me at least, I need to then sit down with a bit of paper and wade my way through the resources to determine and feel happy with the sub-class...it’s a pig to get right otherwise, for me at least. The rest of the series is easy blinkin’ peasy! 😛
  8. 1 point
    You’d be right nearly 50% of the time at least You should’ve stuck your neck out and had a go
  9. 1 point
    Yes your right Mike as i had noticed those and have seen the same in other auctions , also had two F164 that are scarce posted to me from different dealers without pictures that were not. Ages ago when i started looking at them closely i realised that the F164 and F165 are much scarcer than the common F166 ,so much so that i found it much easier to look at the reverse first as if it wasnt REV D it was worth looking at the obverse. Talking to Jon a few months ago about the number of 1908 / 1913 pennies wrongly attributed he said "i think i will just call mine what i want as everyone else does " 😂 Why you have decided thats what your doing Jon as with the one above then atleast use a good one 😛
  10. 1 point
    haha I reckon if I quoted Edward I class 10 f i'd be right in 99% of id's lol why does the class 10 seem to be the most common ? i'm sure I read in the great re coinage of Edward I something like 130,000,000 pennies were struck ?
  11. 1 point
    Thanks to both of you for your help! Robert
  12. 1 point
    You're not wrong. And I need my eyes tested, mine's a F174.
  13. 1 point
    Edward I class 10, Robert Take a browse around this site, it’s the best online resource there is. If books are your thing, the best of those are the Galata Guide to the Pennies of Edward I and II by Bente and Withers https://www.ukdfd.co.uk/pages/edwardian-Pennies/Edwardian Pennies P1.htm
  14. 1 point
    I begin to understand why this one created so much comment when it turned up in my date run!
  15. 1 point
    Court's survey suggests that they should account for about 1.4% of the population, but finding them even in low grade is surprisingly hard.
  16. 1 point
    I've been looking for a while now Mike, and have only found one washer so far:
  17. 1 point
    I've now managed to obtain a 176 as well. Not much of a one to be honest, only straight fine. But purchased from topcarp1 (Stephen/John Jerrams), whose remarks about the coins he sells, are always well worth a read. This is what he said about this particular sale:- He's absolutely right, of course. Despite Freeman's rarity listing as N and R for the 175 and 176 respectively, I think they are much scarcer than that. This 176 will do until (and if) a better one becomes available, and I can get it.
  18. 1 point
    I think it is rascoins.com or something close....
  19. 1 point
    Wish this is mine. It was actually exhibited in the Tower of London
  20. 1 point
    Not strictly mine, but an octagonal marked Potosi 4R that I sold a few years ago and recently bought back in. Rare coin.
  21. 1 point
    I listened to Mrs May's statement tonight. All she did was to blame the MPs rather than taking some personal responsibility. If I have a chance to talk to her, I would give her the following responses to her statement. "I passionately hope MPs will find a way to back the deal I've negotiated with the EU, a deal that delivers on the result of the referendum and is the very best deal negotiable.” The problem is using “I” rather than “we”. Saying that it is “the very best deal negotiable” is arrogance. No politician should claim that they have done such a good job and that no one else could have done better. "And I will continue to work night and day to secure the support of my colleagues, the DUP and others for this deal.” Why do you need to work day and night for the support of just 10 DUP MPs? That’s because you managed to lose your majority against Jeremy Corbyn? Even after Corbyn was weakened after scores and scores of resignations? After the Tory had such a big lead in the polls. And then your famous billion pounds bribe to get the support of just 10 DUP MPs. If you weren’t competent enough to win that general election, do you honestly think you were capable of handling the much harder issue of Brexit? "But I am not prepared to delay Brexit any further than the 30th of June.” Yes, it is your deal or no deal isn't it. You should have already held indicative votes. "Some argue that I'm making the wrong choice and I should ask for a longer extension to the end of the year or beyond to give more time for politicians to argue over the way forward.” "That would mean asking you to vote in European elections nearly three years after our country decided to leave.” "What kind of message would that send? And just how bitter and divisive would that election campaign be at a time when the country desperately needs bringing back together.” Please wake up Prime Minister, the country cannot be any more divided ever since that ill-fated first referendum. "Some have suggested holding a second referendum. "I don't believe that's what you want and it is not what I want. Prime minister, please stop telling us what the public wants. The reason you lost your majority in the last election was because you misjudged what the public wanted then. Perhaps you should ask the public what they want now? "We asked you the question already and you've given us your answer. So why are you asking parliament for the third time if they want your deal after it has been rejected twice. Are you hoping that MPs will change their minds? But you don’t want to find out if the nation has changed its mind about Brexit however. "Now you want us to get on with it. "And that is what I am determined to do." But are you capable of doing that? If it makes you feel better Prime Minister, I think Corbyn would have done much worse. My question to you Prime Minister is this: If a second referendum is held (and you probably should quit if that were to happen) and the country decides to stay, what do you think it is the right thing for the UK to do then?
  22. 1 point
    I noticed that idiot Wishart asking "when will she develop a backbone", and calling her "weak, weak , weak". She's actually anything but weak.
  23. 1 point
    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ENAMELLED-GEORGE-III-ISLE-OF-MAN-CARTWHEEL-HALFPENNY-1798/202543661329 Poor George III, poor coin...
