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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    DNW last month can’t use photo bucket sorry
  2. 2 points
    funnily enough the editor of coin news touches on the subject of modern day coins in a secondary market in his notes in this months issue IN THIS month’s magazine we include an interview with Richard Lobel of Coincraft. The interview was originally supposed to concentrate on Richard’s 60+ years in business, however, as is often the case with these things, the topic strayed a little onto to subject of the secondary market for new issues. Now there can be no doubt that the new issues boom is creating a new generation of collector, people who are onceagain searching through their pockets and purses to find the latest Beatrix Potter 50p or “Alphabet” 10p. There are hundreds, if not thousands of new collectors out there alleager to find the one Olympic coin they are missing or perhaps strike it rich with the Kew Gardens 50p or the dateless 20p. Our new book Spend it? Save it? which has sold over 10,000 copies through supermarkets and newsagents, is testament to just how popular thedecimal series is with the public. On the back of this, numerous marketing companies are now selling new issue thematic coins featuring a wide variety of subjects from flora andfauna through to politicians and Royal events; coin collecting is mainstream once again. Now this is all well and good as long as the people collecting these coins are enjoying themselves. If they are having fun forming a collection of new issues, or themed coins, or anything else then who are we to argue that they are wrong? We “traditional” collectors collect a huge array of things and Ipersonally don’t see the appeal of some of them, but others do and that’s OK. The trouble, however, starts when the peoplewho have collected these newer coins come to sell them as there simply isn’t the secondary market for new issues that there is for, say, Athenian owls or Gothic crowns, and, as many of them are base metal, they don’t have an intrinsic value either.Thus you may have someone who has spent thousands of pounds on a collection only to find when he comes to sell he is offered far less than he spent. Dealers then worry that because they are offering so “little” they will get a bad rap. And attimes the collector will indeed, unfairly, blame the dealer and the hobby in general and this, ultimately, could turn them away from collecting for good. Obviously dealers and auction houses can’t artificially create a secondary market—if they can’t sell a 1987 year set in 2019 they aren’t going to offer large sums for one, but that doesn’t stop some collectors from feeling put out. Should, perhaps, the companies that sell the coins in the first place buy them back? There is an argument that they can create, or at least sustain,a secondary market but then we have to ask: why should they? If I bought, say, an ornament, in John Lewis Ltd and in a couple of years’ time decided I didn’t want it any more, then going back to the shop and asking them to buy it back wouldbe pointless; and I certainly wouldn’t expect them to do it with an item that was made and marketed for a specific occasionthat has now passed. So what do I do? Well, my only option is to go to sell my ornament to someone who sells such things,but he recognises this piece is mass produced, was made for a specific occasion that has no relevance today and whilst it is still in great condition it isn’t the kind of thing that usually sells well secondhand. He therefore offers me far less for it than I paid—of course he does, and neither you nor I would expect anything different, so why people expect a different outcomewhen it comes to coins is a mystery. The fact is that standard new issue coins are a quality manufactured commodity just like ornaments, like jewellery, like watches, like anything you could buy in any high end department store. Certainly the precious metal strikes will always have an intrinsic metal worth and that worth may well increase as the price of thosemetals goes up, but ordinary BU coins should be looked at purely as fun things to collect and nothing more. The problem comes, of course, when people buy coins, or indeed anything, as an investment—we try to steer well clear of the “I” word in COIN NEWS and never recommend any collector buys with an eye to turning a profit. Sadly all too often people ignore our advice and hope that the item they are purchasing will make them some serious cash in the future. Sometimes it can happen, certain modern coins do indeed go up in value but we shouldn’t assume they will do so automatically and nor should we assume they will do so quickly. Think about watches, think about handbags, think about jewellery, all of these things command a premium when sold new and make less money when sold on the secondary market, yes, proper “vintage” items will then start going up in price but that takes a while and of course it is only ever certain models/versions that fetch the big bucks and sadly we never know what these will be until years down the line. Richard’s interview shines a light on his view of the secondary market; our view is that it is often the perception that coins are unlike any other item and thus should automatically make money regardless that is the potentially damaging thing. What’s your view? We’d be delighted to hear from you.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    My apologies Michael, still playing around with intros and the likes......
  5. 1 point
    Content is useful, but your choice of opening image is sexist, immature, and has nothing to do with the subject. C'mon Dave, I'd like to think you're better than this.
  6. 1 point
    Not only a pain in the arse here, but also ebay to 😂 (just kidding) 😉
  7. 1 point
    As Chris Peckris wrote in his original article, the real truth about the penny mysteries from 1922 to 1926 may never be of-ficially resolved, but it does appear that an awful lot was goingon at the Royal Mint at that time and there may be more mys- teries and rarities to be discovered. More details of these and other milled pennies can be found at my website www.pennyvarieties.co.uk.
  8. 1 point
    Dunno about Kew Gardens coins. Have you seen the entry cost to Kew gardens( GBP 16.50). Mt Cootha botanical Gardens here in Brisbane which are like the Kew glasshouse with no roof are free.
  9. 1 point
    Even so Richard, that one's a bit of a horror. I'm convinced that this is another.
  10. 1 point
    A bit of a bloodbath at times in the Brian Dawson halfcrown sale with the three nice Shrewsburys all making 16K hammer. With the cheapest hammering at 5K and the other two 6K, they weren't exactly a bargain. The ex Bridgewater House galloping horse Exeter hammered at £40K, but the currency 1645 galloping horse only made 24K hammer, despite being unique. Lot 52 was a surprise at 4600 hammer against an estimate of 1000-1200 and lot 60, a 1645 Oxford with reversed 4 in the date an even bigger surprise at 4800 hammer against an estimate of 500-700. The nice Worcester C13 hammered at 17K and the 'Cannonball' made 13K. Somebody lost the plot on the CHST below at 8500 and the beautiful pattern on the cover, lot 119, hammered at 34K. The ever so nice Chas.II second coinage lot 125 made 30K hammer and in the milled section the 1726 made 9500. On the plus side, I did get the one I wanted and could afford - the W/SA Boar's Head reverse I-40, ex Walters (1932) 529, Lockett 4226 & Asherson 114. Despite some obverse graffiti and a few scratches, it is still the higher grade of the two known, the other being Morrieson 564 and Ryan 1316.
  11. 1 point
    I don't think that's the case at all. Many respondents on forums will split the quote in a long post, into a series of smaller quotes, so they can address the various points individually. I've done the same myself on other forums. The problem on this forum is that the entire quote is boxed. So you have to go into the quote itself to respond to the separate points individually. Hence Chris was making his response in a different colour to distinguish between quote and response.
  12. 1 point
    Sums it up nicely...worth watching.
