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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    To be honest I'm so irritated by the arrogant way parliament have behaved over this matter, I'm really beginning to hope that the EU reject any further extension, and that we're left with either immediate acceptance of the deal, or immediate revocation of article 50 - and zero further time to decide. If no acceptance or revocation by 23:59 our time on 12th April, then that's it, we're out for good. Final and absolute deadline. I think I'm very far from alone in this view. I know if I was them, that's what I'd do. "Your call UK, we can't go on pussyfooting round you forever."
  2. 1 point
    i was away on a last minute trip when the coin arrived, so was outside the 7 days by 3 days, which went to nearly 2 weeks by the time they decided to respond, pair of wankers who I will never bother with again,
  3. 1 point
    I agree, value 0.00
  4. 1 point
    Even I can see that the R and I of BRITT are touching, which makes it Obverse 12 and therefore can't be an 1882 no H. PS - I have emailed DNW with that same view.
  5. 1 point
    Wow - this could be a unique striking.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1912-H-UK-Queen-Victoria-One-Penny/192875121266?hash=item2ce840ca72:g:oKEAAOSwVXdcVabm
  6. 1 point
    True, but the latter made most of their millions from the private sector. Mr Kinnock left his job as an MP to jump on the EU gravy train (joining wife and son, as stated) and was soon owning million pound properties courtesy of the taxpayer. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/campaign-highlights-kinnocks-10m-eu-2100178 He was even the subject of this article in Walesonline, the on-line presence of the left leaning Western Mail newspaper in 2009. Can’t really blame him though, he and his family only took advantage of the system, but it is difficult to see how all three ended up with top EU jobs without some behind the scenes influence. To be fair Kinnock in private was a likeable man; as leader, he once spent an afternoon in our practice along with our then MP ‘Pink’ Paul Murphy, on a ‘fact finding’ exercise. He didn’t learn much from me. But he did strike us with his ability to listen, humour and sensible open discussion. Not like the pontificating windbag he came across as in public. Jerry
  7. 1 point
    I had the good fortune to get to know DaveC at the Midland and see his operation at first hand. So I'd trust his descriptions of coins even sight unseen.
  8. 1 point
    The trouble is nothing will be better than the Germany + which we already enjoy. At least the EU can get 27 governments to agree whereas we can even get one.
  9. 1 point
    Dave runs his business by going to every show and trying to turn the coins over quickly and will only do a list when there is not a show for a couple of weeks. I would bet if anyone goes to a coin show he will be there and from what i am told seems to get busy when the doors open which i feel is because he is always buying and his prices are fair. I am not sure ingrams work the same way and maybe just put things on a website and sit and wait for someone to buy something ,i cant take a coin dealer seriously who is grading and trying to sell 1933 pennies.
  10. 1 point
    Just heard on the news that Parliament will once again take control on Monday, most appropriate considering it will be the First of April, All Fools Day.
  11. 1 point
    Please don't let me get started on them. Nice coins is as nice as I can say.
