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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2019 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I'm not sure personally. If they have fallen, I can't say I've noticed. There will always be collectors and the collecting mindset will attach itself to something well documented - Peck, Freeman and Gouby were the pathfinders in that respect for modern milled pennies. They aren't solely reliant on the baby boomer generation for continued interest. Just as ancient coins were never reliant on people who were alive when they were circulating. At the end of the day, I collect pennies because of the interest and multi variety and certainly have no intention of selling my collection, irrespective of value.
  2. 3 points
    Hi just back from lidl I bought a rather large magnifyer which though advertised as ideal for craft work is actually brilliant for coins its available for £19.99 but if you use the voucher from the metro or mail last weekend you get £5 off a £20 shop so effectively 25% off . Great for those of us whos sight is not as good as it was
  3. 3 points
    Looks like an adjustable toilet seat
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    Exactly .. to the purest collector value is not of primary importance. However at some point it will be
  6. 1 point
    In which case, cut your losses and sell. I'll take a Minton, Lavrillier and a KN - then I'm done with bronze pennies. You can also throw in a Derwent Wood pattern anything and a Victorian decimal penny to save the hassle of selling separately. All options considered.
  7. 1 point
    Really? Are penny values ( poor examples and excellent examples ) really that depressed in real terms? If there is a lull, it surely will pick up again, I think in a few years, not a 'lifetime'... There are new young people collecting...there will always be a supply of the right sort of brain in each generation. Maybe there are people under 20 reading this.......:-)
  8. 1 point
    A downturn is a good opportunity to buy certainly for purist collectors who have no concern with future resale values. The reality is that Penny values will never recover in the lifetimes of most Penny collectors including myself. Has anyone in the last 10 years come across a ‘new’ penny collector ? .. we all know who we are and when we’re gone theres no one else really Personally, if static and declining resale values are a concern for you , I would sell and buy Classic Cars, Classic Watches , Gold ...
  9. 1 point
    There's one like that for crows and vultures: KEEP CALM AND CARRION
  10. 1 point
    OK, it's not that funny, but was worth buying.......
