He could be playing a very good long game. Looking at all that has been going on, Boris is on the ropes taking a few punches now, but is He down and out, I think not. It is going to be an interesting next couple of weeks.
He has got ALL the opposition parties including his own 'Remain rebels' now independent members, publicly ganging up on him to stop a 'no deal' brexit,
During an interview today on BBC News at 1300 hrs, an MP quoted, 'We have Boris boxed in from all sides, and we now control Parliament, this will lead to the end of this Tory Government and Brexit!'. So maybe not just trying to block a no deal as has been said.
The opposition are also refusing to have an Election until after a Law has passed Royal ascent compelling him to extend Article 50 for at least another 3 months delay to January 2020.
Along with Farage, the Tories could be increasingly seen as the Brexit Party, doing everything they can to get a deal but promising to Leave with or without on 31 October. The opposition on the other hand are doing all they can to stop him, with new Laws, Court Cases and refusing a General election, which Boris has loosely quoted as being the Peoples Vote to deciding the outcome on 31 Oct.
The EU election saw about the same percentage of voters take part as the EU Referendum, over 70%, and the result later confirmed by the BBC, after firstly reversing it, was inline with the EU referendum with leave Parties polling a higher number than remain, but overall numbers of voters do not count in a General election.
Take those EU votes to a constituent level, as a general election would, the vote was over 400 Leave against 200 remain, which would give a Brexit Government/Alliance a possible Parliamentary majority of around 100, if everyone voted the same way i.e. for the Party that expresses their view on Brexit.
Lib Dems have already said that they would not form a coalition with Labour, to the point that in a No Confidence vote muted a couple of weeks ago they would not endorse Corbyn even as a Temporary Leader, so why would they stand aside to let Labour take seats they could gain for themselves,. Corbyn is currently polling lower than Michael Foot at the height of his demise.
The SNP will go with anyone that would allow them their own referendum, but will they have sufficient numbers to help form a Government.
It would seem therefore that this Opposition pact could be as fragile as the current Government.
Be interesting to hear others thoughts on the developing situation, without anyone getting too carried away with themselves, or getting personal.