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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Something that doesn't seem to have been mentioned previously is that the 1960s decade was a period of flux in this country and the Empire/Commonwealth countries. Although India parted in 1947, it was Ghana in 1957 that really set the ball rolling, with most countries gaining independence in the next 10-15 years, which coincided with new currencies and therefore issues. As many countries used the Royal Mint to supply their new coinage, blanks for these issues could be a possible source of many off-metal strikes. A lot of currencies are nominally similar in diameter and weight to our own currency, so as long as we are talking about regular metals - bronze, Cu-Ni etc, there is a distinct possibility that they were genuine mint errors.
  2. 1 point
    Yikes, quite a diversion! Well, I am a late milled fan but always like to hear of other coins. However, I am interested in some of the coins coming from the 1960-70 period - knowledge, but if possible collecting them - this would exclude the halfpennies and pennies struck in gold!!! I have the 1964, 65, 66 and 1967 pennies struck in CuNi. Interesting that there should be such a run, but wonder what else was going on at the mint. Was it all "shenanigans" performed on after-hour shifts, or just what? But back to the original topic: I will likely get this coin certified as there is trouble in many quarters accepting it otherwise. Not that TPGs are infallible, but because that will give the coin somewhat greater plausibility.
