This forum reflects society, and has become politically polarised by the events of the last three years just as society in general. The degree of offence taken regarding a particular statement reflects the readers views and sensitivities, which may not be the same as those who give the opinion. We have to be tolerant of opposing views; we/I find it easy to be riled by what others post, but that is our/my problem not theirs, we are free to think what we want, and should stop using our own views as an excuse to be nasty to each other. We will never all agree.
I have friends who want to ‘save the planet’ , and feel the only way to do so is by green technology and stopping war and famine. I also want to ‘save the planet’ but suspect that a 95% reduction in the human population is the only realistic way to achieve this. Clearly I would prefer nature in some way to arrange this, and the elimination of Donald Trump would be a good start. Eventually I reckon the planet will be just fine, but not the human race and many other species, yet another great extinction to be followed by further evolution , whatever direction that takes. I think it is ridiculous to think that the human race somehow deserves perpetuity, yet of course I love my kids and grandkids.
My late father was pretty pragmatic regarding the pointless, unpleasant, self-cantered creatures humans are. But he loved nature and devoted his life to its conservation. You can read his obituary here and he will shortly feature in radio 4’s ‘Last words’ obit programme and in British Birds.
Forgive me for being a bit maudlin , I had a couple of pints tonight.