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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    Well, finish your mouthful of cornflakes before you splutter, those well-known far-right conspiracy theorists the BBC agree with me: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-45765496 Though I think their reasons given are not the main answer. People who have less assets and are generally poorer, which is to a larger extent immigrants as compared to long-term residents, will vote for a big-state party ie a left-wing party. I think that's quite obvious and I would probably do in a similar situation. Unless this radically changes, which I don't expect it will in the foreseeable future, the problem is that accumulated immigration of an ethnic Bloc vote will eventually produce a tipping point at which we may have a labour government in perpetuity. Now I'm sure you want this, but I don't. The relentless left-wing indoctrination in our education system (eg only 7% of primary school teachers and 8% of secondary school teachers vote Tory - source TES 2017) is something that schoolchildren and students cannot escape. Whereas you can choose which paper to buy - as I said there is a whole raft of left-wing Remain papers (The Guardian, the Mirror, the European, the Independent (online) and these are very much over-represented in online news via search engines. And the BBC is also a liberal elite Remain institution. So to suggest that Newscorp was responsible for the election result is to ignore the massive other side of the propaganda war - which is much further reaching for the reasons given above.
  3. 2 points
    This forum reflects society, and has become politically polarised by the events of the last three years just as society in general. The degree of offence taken regarding a particular statement reflects the readers views and sensitivities, which may not be the same as those who give the opinion. We have to be tolerant of opposing views; we/I find it easy to be riled by what others post, but that is our/my problem not theirs, we are free to think what we want, and should stop using our own views as an excuse to be nasty to each other. We will never all agree. I have friends who want to ‘save the planet’ , and feel the only way to do so is by green technology and stopping war and famine. I also want to ‘save the planet’ but suspect that a 95% reduction in the human population is the only realistic way to achieve this. Clearly I would prefer nature in some way to arrange this, and the elimination of Donald Trump would be a good start. Eventually I reckon the planet will be just fine, but not the human race and many other species, yet another great extinction to be followed by further evolution , whatever direction that takes. I think it is ridiculous to think that the human race somehow deserves perpetuity, yet of course I love my kids and grandkids. My late father was pretty pragmatic regarding the pointless, unpleasant, self-cantered creatures humans are. But he loved nature and devoted his life to its conservation. You can read his obituary here https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/04/peter-davis-obituary and he will shortly feature in radio 4’s ‘Last words’ obit programme and in British Birds. Forgive me for being a bit maudlin , I had a couple of pints tonight. Jerry
  4. 2 points
    The demonisation of Corbyn is, and was, real. If anyone wishes to be bombarded with rebuttals of the mass media distortions, please PM me. This forum is no place for that kind of activity. Having said which, I can't help posting one thing.
  5. 1 point
    Just got this- cheap and no real excitement, until I looked closer in. I'm crap on 1860's, but this appears to have the dots on the rose leaves like Gouby D, but the colon dots after D:G: to a gap, and D of F:D to a tooth, like Gouby E... The both sides are littered with broken letters too......any views? I'm trying to see if it needs to go in the collection or not and I'm stumped....
  6. 1 point
    Somebody will take an early bath.....
  7. 1 point
    Some of his other offerings appear to exhibit artificial toning and, coincidentally, are unslabbed.
  8. 1 point
    Michael, I don't quite understand your angle here, but we're not on this Forum for our political uniformity, we're on here mainly to discuss coins. That's why this is a separate thread from the rest. But if you wish to share your views on politics or whatever, go for it.
  9. 1 point
    Gents thanks for all the support I wish I had spoken to you all prior to renewing my photobucket subscription for another year. I will be taking Paddy's advice. Hopefully this evening I will be able to post again.
  10. 1 point
    My sympathies, Jerry. As a former Hertfordshire resident I was in almost daily awe of the red kites above me. I also had the pleasure of meeting your father once.
  11. 1 point
    Absolutely Chris. I came here six or seven years ago thinking I'd found my tribe. It's now all rather depressing. Where are those regulars who made this such a fun place to swap ideas and comments? My tribe? Nah.
  12. 1 point
    One for any fellow Seinfeld fans…
  13. 1 point
    You are much better to upload the image direct here - as long as it/they total to less than 500Kb. (There are numerous applications to cut your image size down if they are too big - I use Photoscape.) Even if you succeed in uploading a Photobucket link, it is not permanent as any change in Photobucket or your account with them will break the link.
  14. 1 point
    Still, it is reduced from £100 to £60 and is 'beautiful' and 'rare'. (only 121 million minted, so if every man, woman and child in the UK is sitting on one there are only 55 million left for our American, Australian and Chinese friends).
  15. 1 point
    I thought this section was for eBay Worst Offerings. Its gone off topic rather😏 "WHAT A CARRY ON" I say 🤣🤣
  16. 1 point
    Getting more like this by the day as they turn into weeks and months
  17. 1 point
    Merely the latest event in a congenital problem for almost all politicians - living in their London-centric-Westminster bubble being the norm. Before the referendum in 2016, if they had gone into any Dog and Duck up and down the country and asked the people beforehand, they might have realised the need to make a real case for remain and persuade voters rather than assuming the masses would blindly follow their belief in armageddon and reject leave. Come 2019 the parallels are everywhere. No need to ask the people who aren't politically active, because we know they will vote for us as they have proved time and time again. They rest assured that the thousands of members will vote for which ever, whilst ignoring the volatile allegiances of the millions who are politically unaffilliated. One day they will realise that outside party constraints people are not on political auto-pilot. The referendum was only 3 years ago, not a political myth lost in the mists of time.
  18. 1 point
    Well Tony Blair [ Labour of course] took us to war in Iraq , propping up Bush's spurious claims of weapons of mass destruction so as to secure oil concessions for US companies I presume , this has of course left us in the west with the problems we now face with Muslims . With the exception of the Attlee government, I have during my seven decades seen the Labour party came to power three times , under Wilson / Wilson-Callaghan / Blair- Brown , and every time they've left us with an economic disaster , and frankly I think it would have been even worse under Corbyn.
  19. 1 point
    One of my daughters was going to vote Labour. She's at uni and it seems fashionable. I asked her to look at the historic trends that follow a labour government and the reasons for those trends. I also suggested she looked at how many Tory govenerments had started wars. Oddly she changed her vote, because it turns out much of the truth about labour isn't published lol.
  20. 1 point
    I hope not! Redistribution, essentially uncompensated re-nationalisation etc etc. Nice one for shares and private pensions. Also the massive importation of a Labour bloc-vote in immigrants, (~75% of non-UK born residents vote labour from analysis of recent elections) with immediate voting rights. Plus giving the vote to 16 and 17 years olds (in a rigged 2nd referendum) who's only experience of political views in many cases has been their Marxist teachers and remain and left-leaning social media. What's not to like? The financial markets response to the election result is revealing.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    My favorite carry on is cleo but kyber is a close second Infammy -Infammy They've all got it in for me - a classic
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Gouby E/Freeman 3: if in doubt, count the teeth - 138 of the little beauties.
