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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2020 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I coughed on the bus this morning and 4 people turned around. I thought I was through to the next round of 'The Voice'
  2. 3 points
    I accidentally squirted some Domestos over a man of the cloth once. I was arrested for bleach of the priest.
  3. 2 points
    After the Oxford-Cambridge boat race is cancelled, organisers say anyone who still wants to see old Etonians out of their depth can watch the daily coronavirus briefing instead.
  4. 2 points
    this is not a numismatic book but in any case, it contains several images and references to coins. I am reading it right now and I find it extremely well done despite the language is not the easiest for me.
  5. 2 points
    I've just made this compilation of the four types
  6. 2 points
    French radio are saying there has been a fire at a cheese factory. They are reporting there is de brie everywhere.
  7. 1 point
    looks like a little bishop welcoming his flock.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Trittly-how in the early mordy. A few interesting books being read by other members I see. I’ve had Platt’s English Civil Wars on my shelf gathering dust for quite a while now, biding it’s time waiting patiently to be read. It has now been dusted off and is outside with me enjoying the sunshine. I have the odd Medal but this has rekindled that interest. I do like how the text is interspersed with contemporary quotations and the thoughts of earlier collectors and scholars. Deep joy
  10. 1 point
    I remember Terry put up a montage of 1901 penny date widths, particularly pointing out the position of the last '1'. I think this is an extra wide version- '1' over the tooth completely?
  11. 1 point
    Just thought I'd give anyone interested in short cross coinage a heads up. Gerry Slevin has published his new revised edition of short cross legends. Its a good read and he's added a Rhuddlan section to it. Well worth the upgrade from the original in my opinion. If anyone is interested it's available from Regton.com.
  12. 1 point
    The M1 and the A1 are in a bar having a drink when a stretch of red tarmac walks in. "Who is that?" asks the M1. "Oh, watch out for him - he's a real cycle path!" replies the A1.
  13. 1 point
    A man goes into a pub and he walks up to cigarette machine to buy fags. The cigarette machine says ‘Sod off’. He’s a bit upset. So he goes to the bar. There’s a bowl of nuts. They say ‘Ooooh, you look lovely!’ The man’s really puzzled. He looks over at the landlord who says ‘I’m sorry mate. I should have warned you - the cigarette machine’s out of order and the peanuts are complimentary.’ By the way, on a numismatic note, I do hate the new '007' 50pence pieces, but then again, I hate all change.
  14. 1 point
    A bloke purchased a world map. He gave his wife a dart and said to her "Throw this and wherever it lands, I'm taking you for a holiday". They spent three weeks behind the fridge
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Last week I picked up a decent 1915 Recessed ear penny [ show on the next post] . That got me thinking about the life of this die, from its start to its destruction, and so I hunted around and managed to find an 1916 example with a die crack running right across the coin from the A in GRA to the D in DEF on the other side of the coin. The crack is so bad that it must have meant the end of the die, and the production of this type. Pic. On the left starting at the top is an early 1915 strike without the crack , but note the tooth in question seems smaller than the others ?. Next down is also a 1915 and appears to have a small curved bite out of the bottom of the tooth . Third down is a 1916, it has now developed, and a large section is missing from the tooth. Finally the bottom insert also 1916 shows the final extent of the tooth loss, as this is the example with the die crack, also shown in full on the right side.
  17. 1 point
    Just did a little editing of the above photo on googles pixlr. I took the original at about 7:45am this morning and it was getting light
