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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    He needs to show great resistance to going outside especially as going out is kind of hard-wired into our brains.
  3. 1 point
    Some tradesmen are having to postpone jobs....... For example, we were supposed to be getting some wiring done, but the electrician called the other day to say he has a bug that he thinks he caught from his last customer while he was fitting their garage lights. He suspects he has car owner virus and has currently gone to earth, resisting the temptation to carry on circulating by staying ohm, grounding himself and in the main switching off. He doesn’t know for sure watt the bug is but is confident it’s not terminal. However, he says he doesn’t want to be a conduit for infection, so he’s decided to conduct himself responsibly and self insulate to avoid giving anyone a nasty shock. I think that’s a positive, so I’m happy to give him a plug.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    https://www.britnumsoc.org/publications/Digital BNJ/pdfs/1963_BNJ_32_15.pdf might be of interest
  6. 1 point
    Sadly, no. I heard my wife laughing ( She works with me on audio electronics) from the office and I thought I would share the horror!
  7. 1 point
    There's no shortage of ebay sellers cleaning their coins prior to infection
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Challenging times, and being static must be frustrating. Still, a pity he has to re fuse jobs for the time being, and his current financial situation is obviously pretty grim. However, he needs to be patient before switching to something else. Eventually though, he might need to step up to transform his prospects. You never know, maybe one of those light bulb moments might elicit a really good idea - enable him to become a real livewire again. I'd never judge his actions though - always wholly neutral in these things.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    That's cheating somewhat. You didn't say you can use additional substances!
  12. 1 point
    I reckon the longer this goes on for, people who are still earning their full salary will purchase more out of sheer boredom. Living in London, my spending on non-necessities has almost gone to zero which has freed up more money for coin purchases if I was so minded, although I haven't seen anything I really want for my collection recently in auction.
  13. 1 point
    I can't see it being a total meltdown. Some auctions (eg Morton & Eden) have cancelled but most are going ahead on-line, where most people are now anyway compared to 'in the room' (and there's less chance bidders will be unavailable when their desired lots come up!) The few dealers I look at online still seem to be adding stock. Post offices OK round here, though not sure if Special Delivery still operates - even if not, I'm quite happy for dealers/auctioneers I trust to hold on to anything I buy until they can safely post it). As Rob says above, the lower end may take the bigger (proportional) hit due to 'budget' collectors having less income/other priorities now.
  14. 1 point
    My post office is open as is Hermes drop-off, so shipping is still an option. Royal Mail delivers, or at least did so this morning and Hermes dropped something off yesterday. i.e. it is possible to function. I'm spending the time not going to fairs by listing some of the many things on the website that I haven't got around to doing so far, putting some things on eBay and sorting out the numerous storage boxes of coins in the pending pile. I think most dealers have a lot of things not listed on their sites, so stock is not necessarily going to be a problem. Prices must take a hit somewhere assuming some people will have lost their disposable income, but at the top end, money is not a problem with only a bunker mentality inhibiting spending. The world unlikely to run out of people on ebay buying things for a quid, so this offers probably the strongest market for selling into. Stock markets coming off 20% will have made a few people switch into alternatives. Unusually, gold has not spiked to any degree, so either people are sitting on loads of cash, or they are buying alternative assets. Property isn't an option as viewing/surveying etc is problematic, so it boils down to assets you can buy over the internet. Good for coins, or at least relative to some of the alternatives.
