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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2020 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Finally managed to get a 1926ME - one of the last missing pieces of the jigsaw in my 20th century pennies (just the F169 & F192A to go) Not the most scintillating specimen, but about EF/NEF and problem free. A bit of wear to Britannia's right arm, especially the upper arm, and the right of the breastplate. Overall pleased.
  2. 2 points
    So you left the two easy ones till last.
  3. 1 point
    Yes, it must have been struck at least twice, because the stop after GRATIA can be seen under the T upright. The other strike(s) might have been out of collar given the position of the detail around IUS which best approximates to somewhere in the tie area. And in daylight it is 1797, not 1792.
  4. 1 point
    It's as plausible a theory as any other, Bob. I must admit, I've changed my view of the F147 sllghtly, since my above post of 1.1.18. The dot is so perfectly symmetrical, and virtually the same size as the colon stops on the obverse (perhaps very fractionally larger), that I'm now inclined to believe it was put there deliberately. Quite possibly in the manner you suggest.
  5. 1 point
    Sorry. You're right. Should have written it first. It's there now. Ready to be blown out of the water.
  6. 1 point
    My latest penny received to day from the Coin King CGS 75
