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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Spent the last week or so painting the new garden shed (well sixmonths old)- quite bright colours - it looks a bit like a beach hut now . will try to put a pic on soon blue and cream in case your interested
  2. 1 point
    We'll have to agree to differ.
  3. 1 point
    This is my problem right now - my eBay sales are doing just fine, but it's hard to buy any decent material at wholesale prices right now. Luckily my dealing is a hobby to fund the collection rather than something I depend on for income, but it's frustrating when you put a lot of bids you feel are sensible on an auction and come away with no lots, or just one or two.
  4. 1 point
    There's a lot of money sloshing around at the moment. Even furloughed people are getting 80% of wages with nothing to spend it on, including petrol/travel to work which must account for a major spend in most houses. Coupled with an interest rate that's effectively zero, and people are looking for places to park their money, whether researched or not. The down side is the difficulty in getting stock at prices which leave you a margin because online auctions are booming in the current climate, so sometime soon we need to move onto some form of mobility.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Thanks. Yeah...ish...To be fair, I wouldn't dispute GVF for the reverse, but I'm sticking with EF for the obverse. I don't think my pic brings out the hair detail as well as it could do. Here's a larger shot:- ETA: meant to add. I've found it surprisingly difficult to get a higher grade example (above NVF). Not (necessarily) for the want of affordability, but rather, availability. Started on the George V collection in November 2018, and it's taken 18 months to come across even this. I had imagined, perhaps naively, that a decent ME would be easier to obtain, albeit at an expensive price.
  7. 1 point
    I might find this more funny if I wasn't myself a snowflake (surely one of nature's more beautiful things? and each one unique..) and proud of it.
  8. 1 point
    What the Snowflake generation would be asking if this were WW2: Can I have more clarity on "the Country needs you" slogan? It's too ambiguous. Why aren't you doing enough to prevent these air raids? Does the siren apply to everyone? There are only male and female toilets in the Air raid shelters - I don't identify as either - where do I go? This respirator strap is leather, but I'm a Vegan. Why can't I have almond milk on my ration card? I find the term "black out" racially offensive. I find the lack of colour options in my uniform oppressive. How do I apply for compensation for my loss of free time? I find the press treatment of the German viewpoint offensive.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    To me the current design is classic PC bunkum, typical of the almost puritanical disregard for people's real needs and desires. We need art, entertainment, enjoyment, excitement - not meaningless mealy-mouthed platitudes. You would have thought by now they had got the message - the wishy-washy original objectives for the Millennium Dome proved a disaster, but now focused on providing entertainment and enjoyment as the O2 arena, it is thriving.
  13. 1 point
    It is not correct to assume that below DN 19 have obverse 4 and those 19+ have obverse 5. From the observations that I have made over the years, the only 5+A pairing I have seen is DN 23 and the only 5+B are DN 16 and DN 17. Almost all others are 4+A except DN 18 which is 4+B.
  14. 1 point
    Those opinionated vegetables need to learn how to deliver feedback more effectively. I would suggest less stick, and more carrot. The other vegetable is just a total knob.
