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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 1 point
    What Jerry is referring to is the number of feedbacks showing for given bidders, as per the screenshot below, which is from the auction in question. You can see that the winning bidder had no feedback, possibly implying that it's an e bay account set up specifically for shill bidding. Obviously there's no hard evidence to definitively prove it, but that is the suspicion. Conversely, the previous bidder had a feedback score of 250 implying that they were an established respectable e bayer. The percentage of positive feedback is the total number of positive feedbacks given by buyers/total number of feedbacks, given to that seller. So if somebody had 1000 feedbacks, 999 of which were positive, and one negative, their positive feedback would indeed be 99.9%.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Odd colour doesn't matter how it arose as long as the scrap value is greater than the price paid. But, if in doubt, leave it out and get a refund. i.e. if it doesn't appear to be silver, then get your money back.
  5. 1 point
    Agree, does seem a strange choice of coin to copy though there are differences with Wayne’s coin don’t you think?
  6. 1 point
    Not sure why anyone would copy these. A mintage of 15 million will price them only a bit over melt at best. Krause lists them at $18 for MS63, which surely wouldn't be worth copying. The 1969 is noted in Krause as frequently found altered (presumably the shape of the 9), but the total mintage here is a million.
  7. 1 point
    It looks to be gilded, but I'm not sure how you can be diddled when something you have bought for £6 has £6.70 worth of silver in it with some free gold on top? Please elucidate.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Yes- i have an awning that I threw up years ago- wooden frame and polycarbonate, and once the sheeting had got old, a big hailstorm shot it, so this year, with more time and loads of sun, i decided to change it- imperial sheet out, metric sheet on. What a laugh. All with a grape vine to be supported through out the job.... Most important, I've discovered- if you are into tropical or tender plants, you must have a not in, but not out, halfway house, where you can drag plants under for the winter, This gives a bit of shelter from low temperatures, but more importantly, gives you control over watering. Keeping things on the dry side is like an extra 5˚ of frost hardiness. The best money I've ever spent is on this awning. Mind you, when it fell to bits, i did sing 'Awning has broken' , so I kept up standards.:) I've only got 10 by 5 metres to work with, and in a way, it's good. I have so many friends with 5 acres+, and they are not in control of 30% of any of it. All my investments have been in equipment, not houses, so the small garden is a lovely indulgence, not a chore...... Picture from window. early in the year, so all the tropical leaves etc haven't woken up properly yet.
