Well part of it pretty obviously is, as far more African American and Hispanic people (per million of the population) are shot and otherwise killed by police, than white people. That's hard fact.
You seem to have completely missed the main thrust of what I'm saying though, which is that the United States police in general, are trigger happy and there are a disturbingly high number of people (of all ethnicities) who are being stopped by the police for spurious reasons. The situation then escalates massively, and the "suspect" is shot dead. These are situation in which absolutely no other person would be adversely affected if the police hadn't got involved at all. For example in the case of Floyd, why was he suspected, and why was a presumption made that even if he had passed on a fake $20 note, that it was deliberate - how many fake £1 coins were passed on unwittingly in this country? In the Brooks case, can you imagine that happening here in the UK? Most normal, civilized people would have gone up to the guy and just asked if he was OK, and tried to help him, including our own police.
I think the US police need re-educating on their priorities and to be made aware of their responsibilities as that pertains to the safety and well being of the public they purport to protect.
Although my political instincts are conservative with a small c, I cannot countenance, nor keep quiet, if innocent people are the subject of needless killings by representatives of the state, especially one which describes itself as the "land of the free and the home of the brave". There's nothing brave or free about these dreadful occurrences. Moreover, although I can't prove it, I do get the overriding impression that some of these police officers are looking for any excuse to shoot those they stop. The slightest false move and you're blown away, not even knowing whether you were following the officer's orders or not. That comes across very strongly.
It's nasty. it's cowardly and it's breathtakingly idiotic. I make no apology whatever for speaking out against it.