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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    If they’re not up to scratch we know where to find you Wayne 🥾 😂😂😂😂 i’m sure they’ll be great and if not you’ve still pointed us in the right direction 😉.
  2. 3 points
    In the early days of Ebay I spotted a seller with a number of badly identified coins, which puzzled me. Then I saw his ID - norfolk_n_idea!
  3. 3 points
    Me too - the seller's going to think Christmas arrived early! Mind you, at £1:50 per mat, perhaps not...
  4. 3 points
    One of my better purchases on ebay, open auction, 5 bids, got it for £23. Actual ebay picture and one I took of the coin when it arrived.
  5. 2 points
    There was another good one before Ebay cottoned on and deleted his id: whale_oil_beef_hooked
  6. 2 points
    On a similar note - if Chris Rea joined Dire Straits, would they become Chris Straits or .......
  7. 2 points
    Peter Steele and Jack Novak formed a duet in the sixties. They were Novak and Goode. Then Tommy Steele joined. And they were Steele Novak and Goode!
  8. 2 points
    Man, I feel good 😃 Let's hope they are quality mats. £1.50 is a steal, but the seller states that they are bankrupt stock, so I think I have stumbled upon a bargain. Glad to have shared with you guys! All the best, Weaver(wayne)
  9. 2 points
    Boris has found an new imaginary girlfriend
  10. 1 point
    That's probably because they've identified the likely suckers as being on the other side of the pond. They could really go to town and get them certified as genuine, or maybe even the 'finest known'.
  11. 1 point
    Here's an optimist on the US eBay site. What is interesting is that he 'may not ship to the UK.' https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Elizabeth-2-collectable-coins-1971-1988-1985-One-pound-Elizabeth-II/324026633296?hash=item4b717e0c50:g:k2oAAOSw94pdPyBO
  12. 1 point
    Mike, you could mount your phone on a stand and use a remote control to avoid motion. This one mentions control of the camera for photographs but I would think that video control should be possible. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Satechi-Bluetooth-Multi-Media-compatible-Microsoft/dp/B00824948U
  13. 1 point
    Now managed to do one of the above as a you tube link. Will try next getting a longer video.
  14. 1 point
    Holy Moley! I'm worried now 😬 These coin mats had better live up to your high standards! My one has just been posted via Royal Mail 2nd class, so hopefully I will receive it before you do and will either be in total SMUG mode or HIDE BEHIND THE BIKE SHEDS mode😆 No pressure😅 All the best, Weaver(wayne)
  15. 1 point
    Yes, they do seem to have a much more reckless mindset than we here in the UK do, despite the crowded beaches here. I note that in some states (notably Texas) there has been another massive spike since lockdown was lifted. Other states like Montana, have barely been affected at all, even from the start - perhaps reflecting smaller towns and a more rural lifestyle. Montana borders Canada (population 37.6 million, and 8000 covid deaths, so in absolute terms and proportionately, much less than ours). Interestingly, the latest US spike is affecting a much younger cohort than previously - predominantly 30's this time. Here in the UK we do have our problems with morons who flock to the beach in large numbers, and the illegal raves, but at least that's outdoors, and hopefully the strong UV light will be mitigating the virus, on the beach anyway. Also, as far as I can tell, we don't (so far) seem to have been adversely affected by the previous waves of beach goers from several weeks ago, nor by the demonstrators. I did notice many of those demonstrators wore face masks, as did those who stood in front of statues to protect them. I wonder how the spike in Leicester will be dealt with.
  16. 1 point
    I couldn't believe what I saw on the news today - an outraged idiot in the States saying "how dare the government threaten our constitutional rights by telling us whether or not we can go out, whether we have to wear masks. I love the flag and I'm ready to die for it." I have no doubt that more of these idiots WILL die, coughing their guts up and gasping for oxygen while celebrating their 'freedoms'. That kind of mindset is virtually unknown here in Britain. Happily it's not the majority in America either.
  17. 1 point
    Just bought one too . Didn't think I needed one , till now .
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Nice one Mike😎 It feels good to have actually helped out with some useful info. I'm the one usually asking everyone else for advice😂 All the best, Weaver(wayne)
  21. 1 point
    Just switching tack here to a more bright and hopeful stance - there are reports that the virus is weakening, maybe via mutation, and causing fewer deaths than it did, among the same cohorts. So maybe if there is a second spike, it won't be anything like as deadly as the first - Fingers crossed. By the way just a quick shout out here for the many hospital staff, some of whom have sadly passed away from Covid 19 in the last few months - they courageously put themselves in harm's way 24/7 to look after sufferers. Some have sadly paid the ultimate price for that dedication. Again, disproportionately, BAME medical staff. All these guys, from whatever background, have my maximum respect for undertaking a job I couldn't even imagine doing at the best of times.
  22. 1 point
    Not quiet ebay but facebook does chuck up the odd bargain. Less so now but 2 to 3 years back they did appear fairly often. This was one of my best buys off there via an auction.
  23. 1 point
    Opened the bathroom cabinet and three bottles of Omega 3 landed on my head. Luckily my wounds were only super fish oil.
  24. 1 point
    When you're down by the sea And an eel bites your knee That'a Moray.
