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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2020 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    1922 dot on Trident . Very pleased to pick this one up.
  2. 1 point
    Thanks Richard . I have been messing about with it , and it seems idiot proof (which should suit me) . First attempt looks ok , not as good as yours though .I have used my own pics and not the ebay ones though. my own pic
  3. 1 point
    Try Adobe Photoshop Express - it's free. I use it for everything
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    If you find your birth certificate, that should tell you exactly how old you are.
  6. 1 point
    My wife calls me a "collectomaniac" so I have a collection of coins mostly acquired by accident, a collection of bits of crashed aircraft, a collection of books mostly left over from book dealing, a large collection of photographs of ships, a collection of 78rpm shellac occupying about a metre of shelf space and a collection of vinyl that's mostly purchased when it first came out occupying slightly less shelf space. That's just scratching the surface. 🙄 And most of it not worth storage space. Luckily I have now finally retired after being "let go" from my part time auction house involvement. By "luckily" I mean I will no longer be tempted by stuff that nobody else wants. I don't think there's anything in my vinyl collection that stands out. Normally just stuff that I enjoy or holds memories such as The Shadows, Gordon Lightfoot, Chicago Transit Authority double albums and Bert Weedon. 😮 Normally played on either a Technics SL-J110R with a stack of same make or a Kenwood stack, unless I've already transferred them to digital. Oh! plus a reel to reel tape deck and a collection of tapes mostly recorded when I was at sea. Sad or what!
  7. 1 point
    Most of my vinyl worth anything was 'collected' (bought) long before record collecting became a thing. My prized records include : The Who - The Last Time 45, Ready Steady Who EP, original My Generation album The Deviants - Disposable album, bought from Woolies bargain bin for 25p !! Genesis - Nursery Cryme on original plum label Fairport Convention's first on Polydor - wish I had the cover and quite a few other things. I don't think I've ever bought vinyl purely as a collectable though.
  8. 1 point
    I was quite pleased with this one from last week, only £20. It’s a common year, but a nice grade and also a variation on the documented date types on MG’s website. The date is half a tooth wider than other ‘No W.W.’ date types documented by Gouby, with the 5 now slightly to the right of the larger border tooth, and the last 8 directly over a gap rather than a tooth. The numeral ‘1’ is, however, the most interesting feature. The underneath, smaller 1, now showing clearly to both the left and right hand sides of the top 1…….which is also double struck. Documented CP 1858 H date variations can be seen on this link:- http://www.michael-coins.co.uk/cp_1858.htm
