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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Apparantly he wanted thanks for sending the US stock market to record highs ( well yes donald you did do this but only by the realization that there would be a handing over too someone else soon and america would be rid of you). Well not rid of but certainly , but at least you might be able to go full time on those golf courses
  2. 1 point
    I'll go £95 [If the seller is reading this, the words "I'll go" under no circumstances constitute an offer to purchase...]
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    this is an interesting thread. I tend to see our coins as a reserve, rather than as an investment. In other words, we buy when we're flush, sell when we're skint. Try to always buy better than we've got, and try to sell the worst first. Car failed the MoT? Sell a load of coins - it's easier than trying to find more work. And we know that in a month or two, when we've bought another car, we can start buying coins again.
  5. 1 point
    Yes, absolutely. Unless it's an error like "BBITANNIAR", which has occurred on a batch of coins, there will be no interest, because the error discovered is not well known and is indeed, unique to the finder. It has to have limited marketability before a collective interest is sparked. Witness the 2008 20p debacle for an example of collective interest sparked by a moderately high number of error coins of the same type. Incidentally, I actually got one in my change the other day, but as is always the sod's law case whenever I get something unusual, it's got a weird stain on it.
  6. 1 point
    And thanks for buying my book Bob!
