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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Late in the night he regained consciousness. He found himself in agonising pain in the hospital's ICU, with tubes up his nose, wires monitoring every function and a gorgeous nurse hovering over him. He realised he'd obviously been in a serious accident. She gave him a deep look straight into the eyes, and he heard her slowly say "You may not feel anything from the waist down". Somehow, he managed to mumble in reply "Can I feel your boobs, then?" That, my friends, is a positive attitude!
  2. 1 point
    It was a 10,000 penny survey. Quite interesting, but there were a number of such surveys done around that time. ETA: truncated pic after photoscaping to reduce size.
