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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Wife texts her husband on a cold winter morning "Windows frozen, won't open" He replies "Gently pour some lukewarm water over it and then gently tap edges with a hammer" 10 minutes later she messages back "Laptop really screwed up now"
  2. 2 points
    Here's a reply she sent to me last week when I suggested that she be careful not to give it away as it is an extremely valuable coin. "Hello im not going to give it away I don't have to sell the coin if I don't want to I have already asked ebay but I have read about the coin and mum really did live very near to the church and grandad lived at 25 acre road straight opposite the church I was going to do as mum asked but that was before they told my mum basically to sod off but the vicker was willing to stand graveside for 15 mins talking about God for 700 pound but wasn't willing to bless mum in the church that didn't go down well especially when people was still allowed in i was a girl when we used to look for the mice on the furnishings in the church and i know about the penny I looked it up myself but I dont know the authenticity so I can't list it as authentic ebay said i cant but im not about to send it in the post with what's going on there is nothing open thanks to boris and i really won't pop it in the post would you . And mum didnt like dealers So I don't have to sell it if I don't want to mum has other coins gold silver anyway I have to go to work Regards Michelle" This raises various questions, i.a. : - If not using commas was a crime would it result in long sentences? - 'the mice on the furnishings' - Robert Thompson? I wonder if Thompson is known to have made pieces for St. Cross Church? - Is a Vicker someone who is trained to apply Vicks? etc etc
  3. 2 points
    I suppose everybody is now aware that there was no mintage in 1850, and that what are effectively contemporary forgeries are just that - forgeries, but nonetheless of interest. Back in the 19th century such a tooled item might have fooled the more naive collector anxious for something unique. It certainly fooled Batty. When it sold in the 1927 auction, it probably went more as a curio than anything else. It was bought with an 1860/59, described as "extremely fine" for just £2-10-0. It would have been the 1860/59 the buyer was seeking. An absolute gift by today's standards. Just calculated it through an inflation calculator. £2.50 then would be £161.00 now.
  4. 2 points
    Easy answer, to get money i would say. Always a chance that somebody would pay silly money.
  5. 1 point
    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Unauthenticated-1933-george-v-bronze-type-penny-gap-filler-dirty-bent-read-all/124513709632?hash=item1cfd986e40:g:I4cAAOSwYBRf8Z6b Last time she had one (Just last year wasn't it? What are the odds??? Er, none whatsoever.), didn't it come to her in a Whitman folder of pennies she'd bought at a jumble in the same church? So that's twice she's suggested she may have their valuable penny but still happy to offer it for sale on Ebay. Oh, and I see it appears she's now out of rare Indian silver coins. Plod should knock and have a word.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Even back in 1927 in the auction?? Or indeed even when it was done (presumably) in Victorian times? Not a lot of money has been made with it if Seaby sold it for £20 back in 1992 and I paid £25 in 2021 !! Must have taken many hours to produce, so a good deal below the minimum wage! Anyway, a nice curio...
  8. 1 point
    Close up of date... A real bit of craftsmanship, but why?!
  9. 1 point
    I also think that, given that fact that this style of date numeral 5 didn't appear until 1853 at the earliest and is quite different from the various styles of 5 used in 1851, makes it quite likely that this is not genuine.
  10. 1 point
    Would a hubcap from an A35 or a Moggie thou do? If so I'll join you. Bon Appetit!
  11. 1 point
    I dig this out every Christmas. I make no apologies. Eggs Benedict is a dish best served on the hubcap from a '57 Austin Cambridge ... because there's no plates like chrome for the Hollandaise
  12. 1 point
    As the world's population swelled over the past few decades, Santa's sleigh got heavier and heavier, requiring more reindeer to pull it. Santa hired two new reindeer as crew, Lee and Franklin. As part of their new hire training both Lee and Franklin go through a lot of physical training, navigational training, as well as a list of things that is to be packed on the sleigh. Franklin is going through the list of banned items. There are weapons, drugs, etc., but one item caught his curiosity... Cement. Franklin says to Lee "Hey, do you have any idea why cement might be banned?" "No idea, let's ask the boss. I can't see why anyone would want that" says Lee They both go to Santa's office and ask "Hey, Santa? Does anyone ever actually ask for cement for Christmas?" Santa, in the process of checking his list, puts it down and says "Yes. Every year there is a small village by a river that floods constantly. They ask for as much as they can get to build a wall. Every year I refuse". Both Franklin and Lee look at each other in amazement. That sounds like a great gift to give a village who needs it. Franklin then asks "But Santa, why would you ban them from having cement? It sure sounds like they could use it!" Santa turns to both of them and says... "Frank, Lee, my deer. I don't give out dams"
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Rishi Sunak looks like Ugli Patel's ventriloquist doll! But I think we all know who will last the longer...
  15. 1 point
    I've been asked by a forum member about how little Igor is getting on, so here's an update: We had him in a pen in the garden with an upturned box and some foliage as shelter (until he was ok to go it alone). We used straw as bedding but changed that after he kept walking in circles and getting it twisted around his legs. In fact one evening he was in a right tangle and had cut off the circulation to one of his legs and it was very swollen. After that the leg never really worked properly again! He was always active at night and always ate all his cat food and cat biscuits, which was encouraging. He still had big problems navigating but was able to move about quite quickly when he wanted to. One evening we went out to feed him and were amazed to see him with his nose poking through the chicken wire, very eager to escape his enclosure. The reason for this sudden lust for freedom scampered under a bush on the 'free' side of the fence! It was another hedgehog (about the same size), but a less tame one. We retreated and the other hedgehog came to the fence again and they rubbed noses some more. We left some food and the free hedgehog scampered off again. This time Igor really really wanted to join his new friend and was hyperactively trying to get under the wire, over the wire, through the wire, anything to limp off into the dusk with his own kind. At one stage he got himself stuck between the wire and a tree which was used as a fence post (having spikes that grow in one direction make it difficult to reverse in tight spaces). So, I got some pliers, cut the wire and let him free. He caught up with his friend under some wood and in torch light we could see them together, sort of sniffing each others arses and walking around in circles together with plenty of mutual nose rubbing. He looked happy, in fact he looked like a she in comparison to the other one who had a much more masculine face. I went back to remove any sharp bits of wire and Igor ventured out from under the planks of wood and allowed me to stroke his/her nose for the last time before returning to his/her cautious friend. We watched them for a little while but then they went further under the wood and we never saw them again.
  16. 1 point
    I suggest you remove the comma between wife and Lorraine or else one or both of them might get upset
