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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I have been having a battle with them today, and I suspect my days of selling there are over. I may even cancel my account in a fit of pique! I got the email telling me I needed to register a bank account. I wasn't keen, but after some thought I set about doing it. The link to the bank account failed with an error message from the Bank and I then got a series of ebay emails saying I needed to take action. I fixed what I thought was the error - Ebay was using my name as per the Ebay account as my bank account name, which failed security. I tried again and now the bank was happy but Ebay wanted to text me a confirmation ID - but showed a phone number that was nothing to do with me, and giving me a USA helpline to call! I used the online chat system, and eventually got through that - the operator telling me that the account was now linked successfully. Ten minutes later I get another email from Ebay saying that my ID check had failed and telling me to upload a copy of my "government ID card" , or my passport. Well I'm not going to do that, so that is the end of Ebay. Anyone else having similar problems, or successfully got through it all? I'm not sure I am too bothered - the VAT on foreign sales has made selling there pretty pointless for me, and it is a while since I saw anything worth buying that wasn't at risk of being a fake. Ebay RIP.
  2. 1 point
    From the posted images I would concur with your identification and assessment.
  3. 1 point
    Could be 11+L if you like. LOL !
  4. 1 point
  5. 0 points
    The Royal Mint has made a 10kg gold coin with a face value of £10000. The scrap value is approaching 400k and the price is supplied on application. I imagine the price won't be much less than a million. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-56920734
