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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2021 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Apparently one of the side effects of coronavirus vaccines is no taste... Thoughts go out to all the Eastenders fans out there and.. A friend just had his 2nd injection at the vaccination center and began to have blurred vision the whole way home. When he got home, he called the vaccination center for advice and to ask if he should go see a doctor, or be hospitalized. He was told to come back to the vaccination center as a matter of urgency to collect his glasses.
  2. 4 points
    BoomBoom and BoomBoom!!! I had my second jab this morning, and I asked if I could play sax in my mate's band this evening, and they said I'd be fine. I told them that I couldn't play the saxophone when I woke up this morning, so this was a brilliant unexpected side effect.... Unbelievably, none of the health workers had heard this old chestnut before, and fell about.....
  3. 3 points
    Shouldn't those be in wood not stone?
  4. 2 points
    Sure I can see a smiley face next to it, on the right hand side, probably not contemporary. Could just be a touch of Pareidolia caused by an innocent cock up by the stone mason.
  5. 1 point
    House prices have risen nearly 30% in my area in the last year allbeit from a low base.According to zoopla anyway. My god this thread would be at home in the daily Mail
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    ...a system still used in Kidderminster to this day....
  8. 1 point
    I have decided to give acetone a go. It's quite a nice George V halfcrown but the dirty mark on the cheek has been seriously irritating me. The result is quite good. There is only a trace of the mark left now which is much less distracting than before.
  9. 1 point
    In the early 70s I was a volunteer on archaeological digs - the golden rule was that anything you found in the 'spoil tip' you could keep as it was archaeologically almost useless having been removed from its context. I found a decent Julia Domna denarius there which came up VF after vinegar treatment. I was an impov student sadly so I sold it to a dealer when I got home. I think I got about £7 for it which was decent back then! 'Juno' reverse? That's not one of the more common ones.
