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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Hmmm... very interesting. Any similarities between our world and theirs? https://www.wired.co.uk/article/pokemon-card-grading?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB
  2. 1 point
    It is for this reason that I always advise people to avoid Specsavers. Who knows what other conditions they may be missing when they carry out and examination?
  3. 1 point
    Thank you for those kind words. She is doing OK, but it is a slow process.
  4. 1 point
    A qualified optician should always be able to spot a retinal detachment. But quite apart from anything else the symptoms your wife had, strongly suggest it anyway. Peripheral vision loss doesn't happen harmlessly. Treating a detached retina is - as you're obviously aware - a matter of extreme surgical emergency if you're to avoid permanent sight loss. Whoever your wife saw sounds seriously negligent. Frightening to think such idiots are testing people's eyes. Part of their job includes checking for eye diseases, such as glaucoma.
  5. 1 point
    I can only apologise for the flip remark and I'm pleased that she is in recovery. We all tend to take our health for granted until something goes wrong. I'm sure that the whole forum sends you both all the best.
  6. 1 point
    1901 with the second one in the date directly over the tooth . Blakeyboys newly discovered type , now listed by Gouby as type Ac
  7. 1 point
    Now that I've got a 169, I thought I would put Gee's 1971 observation to the test, and so bought a 1909 F168 penny of equivalent wear, and compared the two fists of Britannia directly together under a loupe. I can confirm that yes, even with worn specimens, there is a definite and discernible difference between reverse D (the F168) and reverse E (the F169). The outline of Britannia's thumb on reverse E is distinctly more rounded towards the base as it leaves the wrist, than her thumb on reverse D, which is altogether straighter in appearance. It was very obvious under magnification, which surprised me, as I wasn't expecting anything more than the most subtle variation. Now that I've confirmed the differences to my own satisfaction, I also note that it's visible to the naked eye. The helmet plume on reverse E is slightly shorter, but it's not anywhere near as obvious as the two thumbs.
