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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Using the top left quarter as TAS, then the opposing one must be RAM for DER(R)AM, because Bristol, Canterbury or London wouldn't work, and I think you can eliminate RACI because the last bit of the preceding quarter isn't an O, leaving Durham by default. With nothing in the centre of the reverse, I would think it's probably S2114, struck under Laurence Booth. A bit more detail would help!
  2. 1 point
    'Fleur' being Amorphophallus Titanum
  3. 1 point
    There was an interesting find in china the other day - all to do with the spade pieces from 700 BC or so. There has long been a arguement over if these were the first currency pieces in the world or not - my own opinion is they are very similar to the bronze axe heads from the iron age and bronze age - they probably more served as a store of wealth (As in their copper value) They are not true coins but can also serve as coins in a time of need , barter was probably a more common way to trade in those times . The ancient greek silver , gold or electrum coins are at least true coins , I tend to favour these as the first true coins
