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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    "No. Cencel thet. It's from Pizza Express..."
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    The deadliest footballer in the box of my generation.
  4. 1 point
    That was the whole point. Lack of shopkeeper freedom due entirely to EU rules. Obviously customers can ask for what they like. Many of our drivers came from Poland whose driver crisis is worse than ours. The effect of Brexit is marginal at most. This would have happened even if we'd never left. The average age of a driver is 55, and many have used the pandemic as a reason to retire completely. I know for a fact how fed up to the teeth they were - not only with lousy working conditions, but also the fact they were held personally legally liable for any illegal migrants - not the firm they were employed by, but them personally. Border Force have issued fines of up to £20k even when the stowaways have been declared. An ex lorry driver in the local news round here asked, how many times were they supposed to check the vehicle, five, ten, twenty, a hundred times - and then risk violence from the migrants. He's now asking why Border Force aren't being fined for escorting them in - the irony is sick making for the drivers. Working conditions, wages, plus park up clean and rest facilities have got to be massively improved before new drivers are attracted in. It'd also help if regular toilet stops could be incorporated as many drivers develop renal problems in later life due to not being able to stop for hours to take a pee. No wonder these guys are leaving in droves. ETA: the last straw for many was that prolonged hold up just before Christmas last year when they were forced to hang around in their vans for days waiting for covid tests. The only people who brought them some warm food were the local Sikh Gurdwara, and the local mosque. Nobody else bothered. That's how much they mattered.
  5. 1 point
    Not enough CO2 to run hospital machines or make fizzy drinks....that's the trouble with this bloody planet- CO2 levels are dropping and there's nothing we can do.......
  6. 1 point
    I am certainly a home wine maker, but I am a long way from Milton Keynes (North Devon), so I am not sure it is worth the cost of getting them down here. I suspect anyway that they would not make great wine - as a general rule, grapes that are good to eat make uninteresting wine. They tend to lack the tannin and acidity that produces a palatable wine as they have been bred to be sweet and light. Grape jelly might be an alternative?
  7. 1 point
    A very pregnant Rachel Riley putting up the letters this week - I paused it and took this picture, once I'd stopped laughing.....
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I'm afraid they did - and here it is in a good old pro EU Guardian link The officials themselves obviously weren't hired by the EU, but they were from the council acting on the EU's behalf, by proxy, with the acquiescence of our government. Yes, it was only weights and measures, and I agree that the current generations (including mine as it goes) was brought up on metric. But surely that's not the point. The underlying issue is one of freedom of choice and not being fined for using your measurement of choice in retailing goods. At the end of the day, both imperial and metric are absolute measurements and easily converted one to the other, in the same way as Fahrenheit to Celsius. Did you ever hear the one about the Labour MP going door to door before the 2010 election, and when he was defending the compulsory use of metric measurements. A constituent asked him what he weighed - "13 stone" came the reply - "OK", came the further question, what's that in kilos? MP didn't know. Nor for that matter did he know what his height was in metres. The lorry driver shortage is Europe wide. It has zero connection to brexit, but the pandemic aggravated an already existing problem - link
  10. 1 point
    We have been essentially metric for many decades now and I can't believe we want to go back to the less intuitive imperial system. 100p to the pound, 1000g to the Kg, 100cm to the meter is just far more logical than 240pence to the pound, 28 grams to the ounce and 12 inches to the foot. Even those in middle age are not comfortable with the imperial system. Youngsters won't have a clue. As Peck has pointed out, we still use a little Imperial occasionally for nostalgic reasons like pints for beers and milk. Let's use the "freedoms" from Brexit to do worthwhile things rather than taking steps backwards in time.
  11. 1 point
    No they didn't. Typical Daily Mail invention 0% based on fact. The EU did not have officials over here checking on food labels etc. And we were only ever half-assed metric anyway: pints etc in pubs. Miles not kilometres. Lots of food sold in 454g (1lb) packs. Same with our membership of the EU : not in the Eurozone. Not in Shengen. A big budget rebate making our contribution the lowest % of GDP of any member. And in return, we had lots of lorry drivers and no empty supermarket shelves. . The only generation comfortable with Imperial-only is the faux-nostalgic old fogeys who won't be around very much longer.
  12. 1 point
    £2.80 of bronze is a kilo, which would maybe get you No.1 or Heavy copper price, so around £5.40 ish. How you would disguise the coins as just bronze /copper turnings etc. is another matter, as is the illegality....
  13. 1 point
    Italian State of Livorno - see https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces51310.html
  14. 1 point
    I found that the "real" link is generally just the text upto the "?", so https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/British-3-Pence-1853-Rare-/353646172040 The rest is probably the details of your bank accounts, eye-colour, love-life etc etc 😉
