It was a mistake in my view that we did not go entirely metric in the 1970s. Some people would have complained, but everyone would have adjusted to metric in a year or two, and there will be no need for arguments today.
Everyone understood that 100p make up a pound very quickly. This was due (at least in part) to the fact that we did not allow the Lsd system to continue alongside the decimal system.
I still give my height in feet and inches, and my weight in stones and pounds. I measure my waist and collar in inches because Imperial units are still the norm in such situations. I have simply memorised my weight in stones, and have to use myself as a guide when estimating other people's weight. But do I have an intrinsic feeling as to how much one stone is? Not really. I do however know what a kilogram or gram feels like. I can give an accurate estimation of the length of a meter but not of a foot. I am clueless how long is a yard.
The metric system is a much more logical system, and the one to teach to the kids. Those of us aged 50+ have managed to learn to use much harder things like computers, mobile phones, internet, etc. People would have adjusted and coped.
However, since we did not completely get rid of the imperial system totally and it has been used alongside metric for so many decades, we might as well let it die a natural death in due time.