Wow, another White Whale landed, and with some difficulty. Besides the Jamaican coins and sets I have discussed elsewhere, I have for over 25 years been looking for the 1984 Franklin Mint Uncirculated Trinidad and Tobago 8 coin set. It is not listed in Krause or Schon although I had whiffs of its existence and had even turned up the 1984 50c in uncirculated separately.
So a long story short, the set appeared, disappeared and just at the last moment appeared again and a friend was able to make the connection AT THE AIRPORT on leaving just at the last moment. So I have it in hand. I will try to post pictures as soon as I can...
My friend's cousin used to work at the Central Bank In Port-Au-Spain and related that I was extremely lucky to get such a set as VERY few were seen at that time...
Well, anyway, pictures to follow as I am able but meanwhile an exciting discovery....