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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Stranger things happen - remember there is a trabant car fan club
  2. 1 point
    I had to share these, and courtesy of Richard am able to & the lustre in hand is really wonderful albeit the coin a bit softly struck:
  3. 1 point
    Should anyone ever tell you collecting is for sad anoraks I suggest you refer them to Hacker T Dog.....
  4. 1 point
    It would appear to be a lead token of some description, possibly a metal detector find. It is quite large at just over 2cm, and is quite unusual in its design. I wonder whether it is the sort of thing purchased at a mediaeval shrine on a pilgrimage, one side could easily be a representation of a rood screen and the other perhaps an aisle or arch with figure representations. Certainly not a typical lead farm/trade token. Do you have any idea of how it was found? It won’t be of much value, but if you have any provenance you could show it to your local Finds Liaison Officer. Jerry
  5. 1 point
    Thanks for the pictures Jerry. Your ‘undoubled’ example of Ka does seem to reinforce that this is a different type of overdate to my Kb examples. Perhaps even more interesting are your middle 3 pictures which seem to not just show the protrusion top left (like an F114 Ma) but also top right too. I think you would be justified claiming this as a new type of F111 requiring documenting, Kc. Your F114 Ma (final picture) is exactly as I have seen myself. It’s interesting that MG says on his page 79 “the only part of the 1 that can be seen, on this example, is the small portion that sticks out centrally, half way up the 2”. I think, however, that the tiny protrusion top left can also be seen in his picture on Page 79 and may even be a clearer identifier than then protrusion halfway up the 2. I attach my own example as confirmation of this type.
  6. 1 point
    In this instance MS 70 is a cleaning product https://www.amazon.com/MS-70-oz-Coin-Cleaner-Bottle/dp/B000YQBZPE
  7. 1 point
    MS70, is that the true grade of the coin in question?
  8. 1 point
    My wife bought a large camper van off our friends very cheaply when they bought a new one, and just loves it. I'd rent one cheaply out of season and you'll find out if it suits you very quickly! I mean a camper van, not a wife...
  9. 1 point
    Good for you. I've often thought how much I'd like a camper van...motor home, or whatever they're called. The perfect leisure travel solution for those who appreciate the countryside. i thought about it a lot during covid, as it would have meant the freedom to travel without having to mix with anyone else. I could even have taken the cat with me. The idea seems just as viable as we start to enter a post covid world.
