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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2022 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    I have to say that I don't think we could have wished for more considering we took in someone with whom we have nothing in common for as long as it takes. She will have been here for 4 weeks this coming Friday. Language is a bit of an issue as it is proving difficult to find her work where there is minimal customer contact, but every day I hear a few more words used, so hopefully within a few months the communication problems will reduce. The first few weeks have been a bit labour intensive on my part carting her around to get the basics sorted such as signing on, registering with a doctor, taking her shopping, trying to teach basic English and write benefits logs and job applications etc, but that's part of the deal when there's no common language and will ultimately pay off when she is able to stand on her own feet comfortably. Frankly, the above post where someone claims they have spent a lot of money on the refugee is complete b******s. Additional costs for taking someone in - a gas safety certificate and some energy, set against which the host will get £350 a month paid in arrears for the first year. There's no obligation to feed them at your expense, though most would at least until cashflow is established. The host would be quids in if calculated on an honest basis, even if food was provided. How much does a set of house keys cost for God's sake?
  2. 4 points
    Really pleased to have obtained this ex Copthorne collection 1853 copper proof. You don't see many copper proofs from the Victoria era, so when this one cropped up, with provenance, I decided to snap it up.
  3. 1 point
    Do you think the writers of Allo Allo were thinking of that? Capt. Hans Geering : Do you not see? That if you kill him with the pill from the till by making with it the drug in the jug, you need not light the candle with the handle on the gâteau from the château. René : Simple plots are always the best.
  4. 1 point
    Surpose that if a male imagines hes getting a 19 year old and he ends up with a overweight 55 year old it could have something to do with it
  5. 1 point
    I've received my coin this morning, and I'm very, very pleased with it. That's the extent of my interest. The rest of it is your concern, not mine.
  6. 1 point
    I dont understand what your on about Dave ,whats that got to do with Numistacker ? Guy Fie is The coinery and if he chooses to have his wife as a director thats his business and does not need putting on a public forum.
  7. 1 point
    Not sure about the live technicalities Bruce. Not listened in to one of their auctions since October last year. I agree with you about rising coin prices though. There's also a bit of a strange phenomenon emerging whereby you can get a given coin for a lower price when it's been sitting with a dealer at the same unaltered price for a few years, than you can if that same coin were to offered at an auction house. Especially with added buyer's premium.
  8. 1 point
    Yesterday was my first time to participate in Noonans auction since their revamp in webpages, but i found no voice n video was available during live bid through my android cell phone. In PC, it's totally fine. Am i missed anything in setting? By the way, price seems up again, 1897 jubilee silver medal with case was hammered at over 200, n some other gothic florins at over 500, 600 as well.
  9. 1 point
    Guy is ‘The Coinery’, Stuart is ‘Coinery’. It’s caught me out before now too. Jerry
