I've now had a chance to examine Mike's 1841 REG Colon and compare to my own. These are both coins with the flaws through the numeral 8, and VICTORIA legend.
I attach full date pictures of both coins at 50x Mag.
On the post which will immediately follow (due to image size restrictions) I will also attach close ups of the 18’s on both coins, now at 140x Mag.
On the latter images I have also measured the distance from the left hand side of the first 1 to the left hand side of the numeral 8 (i.e. to allow for numeral flattening through wear).
I conclude that both coins, as anticipated, seem to be identically spaced.
I think that a couple of things have understandably tricked the eye, giving Mike the false impression that his coin may have been a new 1841 REG: Date Style.
a) the top, and top right hand side of the numeral 1 on Mike's coin is a little damaged / and further flattened towards the numeral 8, and
b) to the naked eye, the darker grime around both numerals gives the impression of them being closer.
I have already communicated this with Mike, attaching the same pictures.