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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Fancy a cricket anyone?! I don't know if anyone has been following what has been going on with the Dutch farmers and thier massive demonstrations. All despite the Netherlands being the second largest exporter of food in the world just behind the US. Some papers have carried small news reports on it. Done in the name of climate change of course, in this case ammonia emissions. He mentions the absurdity of China's record and forecast re their CO2 emission amongst other things, to show that no one in power is seriously enacting this craziness to lower CO2. And the fact that it will just result in everyone from our energy-poor economies importing yet more from the massive carbon-emitting China. I think he has a point! Worth watching. OK, the interviewer has a cowboy hat on but I think we can forgive him that.
  2. 1 point
    Definitely looks incuse…I’d wager someone has hammered the edge of one coin against the other at some point, or some similar mechanical crushing of coins at the mint.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Mrs Gallop, Thankyou for your wonderfully detailed description of the number and types of coins included in your sets. Shall I assume they are British and not colonial, and shall I assume they are the complete type sets for those years, not Maundy sets, or any of the other infinate number of different sets that you could be referring to?! I also get the impression that you don't really care about exactly what they are, and all you see when you look at them are possible floating Pound signs before your eyes, hence your direct and not very well thought out question. If that is the case, my valuation fee is 20p per coin, with a £2.00 minimum and I'll need some further details. ------------------------------------------------- If that isn't the case and you want to try again and get the benefit of the forums knowledge base for free, perhaps you could ask again, supply all the relevant details and bearing in mind we take this quite seriously, perhaps try to come accross like you give a shit, that sometimes helps when requesting free information!!
