About three weeks ago a leaflet came through the post with all details about how !st and second class stamps have to be used by the end oof the year .
Having built up a little collection of first class stamps over the last three years or so (84 stamps to be exact)
I thought about this for a while and in the end decided to send off my stamps to be changed into new ones.
BAD CALL PETER , it promised on the leaflet that my stamps would be with me in a week (that was three weeks ago) and I have knowhere to complain to or to chase up my stamps.
I surpose the old post office would not have been any better , so things never change.
It really does annoy me that companies like this hold you too ransom then apparently steal their own product back
I will of course keep you up to date and apogise if the stamps arrive - i really think the high street post offices should have been given this job