I agree with Oli the future is with the US not Europe. I consider myself British, not European, i never have and never will consider myself European. Therefore i am totally against the Euro. But just to give you an idea of my political views, (not on immigration and the likes because this is not the place to discuss it), but my approach to lets say coinage, is if i had been alive when we went decimal i would have been totally against it, and i still am. If i got in power (i hope for everyone else i don't) i would take us straight back to pre-decimal, ban metric (except in science...where it makes far more sense...don't ask there is a logical argument in there somewhere!) and i'd ressurrect the gold and silver standards. But being a reactionary conservative, who has studied so much medieval history, probably too much, i am a bit too pro-monarchist and think that the monarch should have far more say, and should run the country (if it worked in 1499...then why change?)...put it this way the Queen could do a much better job of it than Butcher Blair...and if i had been around in the French Revolution (if i'd been French) i would have supported the absolute monarchy. Nothing like tradition. Basically i'm one of these people that doesn't hate people from other countries but i think each and every country should be proud of what it stands for...us English are just far too laid back. It's about time we took a leaf out of the US's book and had more Union Jacks flying about the place, one in all the school classrooms for a start. And school children should be drilled on the National anthem...afterall none of us know the words! (Not many Frenchmen or Americans could say that). Personally i also think the national anthem should be changed from 'God Save the Queen', to 'Rule Britannia'...Why? well i object to the God bit, not the Queen bit like most people object to. I'm sure i mentionned in a previous thread that i didn't like Charles I, but i would still have supported him because i hated Cromwell somewhat more...the man that banned Christmas/gambling/doing anything on a sunday/not going to church/theatre/fun in general... So that's where i stand...a bit radical but in a reactionary sort of way. Sylvester... You can tell i didn't vote for Mr Blair.