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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Yes just a couple…wrong variety, wrong grade, wrong price and polished! But at least this time it’s not the wrong 1909 penny! I know someone here won’t be surprised to see this! Jerry
  2. 1 point
    I am sure we all do hen we drink bottled water (terrible stuff) it accepted whilst it is our doing all the animals in the seas and oceans are getting their fill terrible creatures for the planet humans
  3. 1 point
    yes , what did it come out as ? lol that must have been an auto correction although no doubt the Samarian Ware is lovely too
  4. 1 point
    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/333770257742?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D243436%26meid%3Dfc92ead380d64b4b9f4be2239ae2020a%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D125611612675%26itm%3D333770257742%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuAspectsV202110NoVariantSeedKnnRecallV5ItemNrtInQuery&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A333770257742fc92ead380d64b4b9f4be2239ae2020a|enc%3AAQAHAAABMJE7%2BNyUclXdoFXnbx3NvlJX7YMqFr8NJCcyHQud2Z04j2uZxgnHXbb2ZalpwbGsJ4D%2FcbSkMz8IpnsCPJ7ydREm8lqmL0kHB523%2FFCl%2BP6D2ad5Empx%2FgOWdLWtT3Vn5QL7KrlqGr5xbsxh2mgt6K6mq5ApRt0WhfIQtmILxWluvsMY2yrIiUFMpDFclBhEB%2Bn37O2cyybs4M4Gz4lYja%2BiW8ZmS%2FI4EdT7js1ThcP8oNjX0DKbZZW8BF6%2BK9HpkuZR1wdTrmavOn4M8G6CGCFIiExq6NxZSOP5AMicNKxI%2F%2B3iaaAmAAWWF5Z%2BkaLy008TN5K6YV5%2BevmDrIGMDYK3aWNhzvAeOmq4t0QPg9uWQ%2B678v3nwC1Rf7jSJUPuGESfiT6p4ORlKdBMVKbdaeo%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675 couple of issues with this one lol
  5. 1 point
    Rob I'm not sure where you found that JB has the signature in a different place. As you say, they are all obverse D (Freeman 2). I agree about the Je to Jk repairs. I'm assuming that collectors have sent in photos of these repairs to Michael who decided to include them, purely for illustration. The list of die repairs is virtually endless and I personally don't regard them as particularly noteworthy, other than the occasional spectacular example, e.g. N over Z, E over P etc. Clearly, these repairs are of interest to some collectors, viz Larry's numerous examples of similar repairs on halfpennies on this Forum.
  6. 1 point
    Here it is Chris I'd extravagantly placed an advance bid of £4k for the 1863 die No 4 under date penny. But last night decided it was a bridge too far financially and withdrew my bid. Especially given the juice you have to pay on top, with Noonans. Too many other competing priorities.
  7. 1 point
    The British Box : There appear to be four designs one a sailing ship; a coach and horses; a jumping horse and rider; and an old coin screw with two cherubs . I have found several horse and jumper The rarest I have found is the coin screw cherub type. The German box has both the sailing ship and the horse jumper on the lid. The English box has a five pound Note on the lid in some. This one contained the set from 5 Sovereign to farthing all in uncirculated condition. This is the Jubilee set dated 1887 it used he half shilling shield sixpence so was prepared in advance of the changes in the sixpence.
  8. 1 point
    Every now and again I am lucky enough to find boxes made for the Lauer Coins in particularly with what I assume to be a full set. These have been useful in that they give greater insight into the original contents. They also throw up some strange anomalies , for example I purchased a set of the German coins in it's original box with the 100 Mark note on the top of the small gilt box and inside were 2 examples of quite a rare american Lauer 2 cent piece. The box is uncirculated and as are the coins. The set came from the US and is still inside the shop box made for it supplied at sale. Whether these were tasters I can't be sure . the box contained 2 20 mark ;3 5 mark (gold) 2 x 2 mark;2 x 1 mark ; 3 50 Pfennig ; 2 x 20 pfennig (silver) ; 7 x 10 Pfennig 3 in brass with the Kaisers head and 4 in zinc with the eagle ; 3 x 5 pfennig in zinc (eagles); 4x 2 Pfennig eagles 5 x 1 pfennig (copper) eagles As I mentioned the copper USA 2 cents and 4 playing counters in plain metal uniface marked 5 and 10 . The box is the standard Horse jumper but with a blue 100 Mark note . marked Nurnberger Spielmunzen although interestingly it also has the sailing ship lid type in the same box Rogers #4700 he had never seen the box himself and is described as RRR* Roger's notes that he is unsure of the issue types and I am hoping this small box helps someway. Note it contains no 10 mark Gold coins and is a mix of the portrait and the double headed eagle , all the heads are the old head type . All are uncirculated as is the box so we have some indication of the set (perhaps) With this in mind I thought I would start with the sets and the boxes . all coins are 12 mm to 14 mm
  9. 1 point
    More like a children's book of anatomy required, with a particularly large section on asses and elbows.
