but you're advocating anarchy, the freedom of the individual to respond outside the law. We don't live in a theocracy an eye for an eye and even in those systems there still has to be due process (no matter how skewed). if each person is allowed to take such action for things that rightly or wrongly they feel the right to pass judgement on then no one would be able to live with a sense of freedom. In this case there is , of course, condemnation of the thieves but what of the next case perhaps someone doesn't like someones lifestyle, or race, or philosophy. The Law stamps on such cases in order to keep a check on behaviours that can easily spill in to general life. I dont think it is a case that the thieves deserve any less harsh a treatment under the law. But the home owner is also a criminal in his actions. Property is just not valued and neither should it be beyond a defense in the house to protect. To think where' s my keys? where's my car? let's run them down..... is three thinking steps forethought with malicious intent. sadly or otherwise to prevent anarchy that is how law works.
I know I personally would not feel very safe in a system that works allowing someone that freedom.