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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    With the reduction in birthrates, there is now one born every 96 seconds... Never underestimate how stupid people can be, and how led-by-the-nose. Last month my old mate asked me why he saw so many stupid people about. I pointed out that, all things being even, ignoring things like the 'brain 'drain' to the cities, the IQ distribution curve is centred on 100, and for every person he knew whose IQ is 120, he will meet one whose IQ is 80. So, for the ten or so of us in this thread, there are ten people, also into coins, who are finding the RM coins appealing.....
  2. 2 points
    100% agreed. It doesn't look MS63. It just looks a scruffy mess. As you say, ridiculously overpriced.
  3. 1 point
    I never knew that Dynamo collected pennies!! Victoria, 1862 Bun head Penny, 2nd portrait - VF, Obv #6..................[5632] | eBay
  4. 1 point
    Here is an interesting one I found the other day , a strange odd looking attempt to replicate the model half sovereign. I purchased it but it has not arrived yet so cannot look at in in detail
  5. 1 point
    Magnay, David Edgar (1942-2009) Contributors to British Numismatics 24 July 2021 Biographical and Other Notes Spent his early years in the UK and Singapore. Educated in Northumberland and aged 18 joined Lloyd’s Bank in Southampton. In 1960 his interests changed from stamps to coins. He moved all over the country with his job, rising to senior manager of the Liverpool City centre branch and senior commercial manager in Cardiff, living in Cowbridge. On being made redundant in the late 80s he founded The Business Mortgage Company Ltd. from which he retired in 1998. He spent 37 years in the Territorial Army. He specialized in toy coins and model money, Victorian pattern pennies (DNW February 1999) and helped D. Roger’s with his book Toy Coins (1990) and D. Young and J.G. Scott’s book on imitation spade guineas. Regular at Token Congress and many articles published.
  6. 1 point
    Even though it is MS63 (unsure whether it worth that grade), it is still ridiculously steep in price.
  7. 1 point
    Someone seems to have bought the 1906 florin at £942 (status has changed to "awaiting stock"). Same for this 1904 at a mere £775.
  8. 1 point
    In terms of hammered coins, I think Timothy Cook has put together one of the best lists I have seen, many of which are BTNA members - not to mention that he has hyperlinked them all such that you can just go down the list at your leisure and click to each shop/auction house. As you can imagine, there are also many other pre-decimal coins and even decimal coins at many of the websites. Most of the links are for fixed-price shops, but there are also the major auction houses sprinkled in throughout the list. Specifically, (like @TomGoodheart mentioned) he has called out helpful websites like NumisBids that act as platforms for viewing lots from multiple auction houses at once (not to mention you can also sometimes submit bids through NumisBids). https://www.englishhammered.com/links.html
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Alright So I got it wrong. It was a BLUEBIRD SPEE WHALE jumping
  11. 1 point
    LOL I am not accepting the titanic going down in the far distance 😤 unless you all agree my 1806 half penny ship is on flames and sinking....under attack from the French
  12. 1 point
    close ups smoke on horizon.jfif
  13. 1 point
    That's a thought. RM will surely make a Mickey Mouse 50p soon. Municipal refuse collections started in ca 1918 and so there could be a "110 years of refuse collection" coming up. It's a key public service that we all need!
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    the 1894 issue 0f the 20 KORONA
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Bit of an update on the Hungarian series . Rogers suggests that there are "at least one perhaps two sets produced " . One date follows the example I listed before with the date of 1894 a 20 Kronen one with the austrian reverse a 20 Filler and a One Filler . The only image for the Hungarian set is the 1 Filler which Rogers had an example of. I recently added the Kronen but have since found three younger issues one in 1895 , 1900 and one dated 1907 . These are listed on Numizmarket an Hungarian seller eg. eBay item number:364096695516 who has given me permission to copy the images and to include them : 1907 issue
  18. 1 point
    I remember getting a Microsoft advent calendar. In the instructions it told me to never open windows 8 and 10...
