Magnay, David Edgar (1942-2009)
Contributors to British Numismatics 24 July 2021
Biographical and Other Notes
Spent his early years in the UK and Singapore. Educated in Northumberland and
aged 18 joined Lloyd’s Bank in Southampton. In 1960 his interests changed from
stamps to coins. He moved all over the country with his job, rising to senior
manager of the Liverpool City centre branch and senior commercial manager in
Cardiff, living in Cowbridge. On being made redundant in the late 80s he founded
The Business Mortgage Company Ltd. from which he retired in 1998. He spent 37
years in the Territorial Army. He specialized in toy coins and model money,
Victorian pattern pennies (DNW February 1999) and helped D. Roger’s with his
book Toy Coins (1990) and D. Young and J.G. Scott’s book on imitation spade
guineas. Regular at Token Congress and many articles published.