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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    And all the while everyone was missing the fact this was a unique IENNY
  2. 1 point
    dangerous things referendums.... (I am assuming named after Kitchener in memory of his death in 1916) bit ironic really to name it after Kitchener was one of the main proponents of the concentration camps in the Boer War ....still I suppose in the hands of the "victors" such things become an irrelevant part of history at least a city might be said to have a mix of meanings and inhabitants that are for and against any policies .....it becomes much easier to examine an individuals life.
  3. 1 point
    Looks like he's taken the trouble to type up a Certificate of Authenticity.... so it must be bona fide....or maybe he's just going to put it in that lovely box when the coin changes address (COA).
  4. 1 point
    Indeed, it’s so corroded that I can’t even tell if it’s a genuine fake! Jerry
  5. 1 point
    More from Blakeyboy's favourite seller... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234888374858?hash=item36b0702a4a:g:wtsAAOSw~ZNj4fCP Who would have thought that verdigris would be such a selling point?! 😉
  6. 1 point
    How long before the 'COPY' beneath Britannia's shield is carefully rubbed away and it's offered on eBay for 3 figures?
  7. 1 point
    Get your modern replicas certified here! Genuine fakes! Well done London Mint Office, I would never have thought of it! In conjunction with WRL it appears. And Blakeyboy’s favourite seller. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234887771095?hash=item36b066f3d7:g:xY0AAOSwtY9j4Tvl&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA0MedcjrSMGxQ3Cnzt8mY9pGNbrLe%2FAjkbJ4BNSTM5IdIbIQTSoHbzeTvMX5nAPL4brJXAzUt16bQDlQw4Xp8Hm2k%2BIMaalaEoptPpO%2FKEv5rQ98ZsQZd7NEeukaDSxH%2BoIpcU4boaay0LBblIshZ7%2B85MiPCF6IEpSsFVHuDNEsjQUym1MmBKDODzAPj9QKdnCiayhre%2FUNoiNLPVhtRwCMN7DYqUP7EFcbPtZC8tHvBpNzrwfI%2BDXtXHygx1VWXzRRrE9BqgqLxPTeBuJ7IWUQ%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5rakv_EYQ Jerry
