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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It's the elephant in the room which eco warriors bend over backwards to either not talk about, or make excuses for. Global warming is precisely that: "global". So unless the major players, such as China, also join in with the net zero effort, the whole net zero movement will be utterly futile. That doesn't look like happening anytime soon. I've said before that as a long term aspiration, net zero is great - and those from all sides of the climate change debate can surely agree we would all benefit from the cleaner air. But this should be evolution, not revolution. Work towards it, but stop setting unattainable targets, of which 2030 is manifestly one, and shooting ourselves in the foot, whilst making the attempt. When XR start demonstrating outside the Chinese embassy (and others) I might accept they mean it, and are not just a band of shouty, inarticulate, metropolitan middle class leftie luvvies whose true motive is that they can't stand the UK.
