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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2023 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Acers are stunners. I have several of them and have had great success, although the ones I've planted in my customers gardens have been a mixed bunch. At £4, that's less than a pint so well worth it. This Acer was put in my front yard in about 2008 and literally only as thick as broomstick. Now it's about a 6"trunk so obviously in the right spot.
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    Very reminiscent of 5/3 on 1865 bronze. If it's not, then it would fool everyone.
  4. 1 point
    While looking at ebay for 5/5 farthings I came across what looks like a 5/3 .Can't find any information on it except that it was alluded to, but not confirmed (that has probably changed as apart from a date run, I don't really bother with farthings ).Will probably be nothing once I have it in hand , but was worth a punt to find out .
  5. 1 point
    I didn't like the idea at first. But all major auction houses guarantee the genuineness of their lots and most have probably made mistakes in the past. Perhaps we shouldn't expect any different from the RM auctions. But in my view, they have already sink low enough trying to sell past coins for totally ridiculous prices. This made me laugh: https://www.royalmint.com/shop/monarch/queen-elizabeth-ii/1953-Elizabeth-II-Commemorative-Crown/ They are selling jewellery now https://886.royalmint.com/ Just have a look at those prices. Since their coins are now just commemoratives, do they not resemble a souvenir store? Would they consider using the motto "Souvenirs for the nation. Souvenirs for any occasion."
  6. 1 point
    I can't imagine what their ugly coins might look like.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/72366/i.html?_ssn=coin.empire&store_name=coinempirenumismatica&_oac=1
