To me "woke" is just a dismissive term for things some people don't like. It's become so much a catch all it's almost meaningless beyond a rallying cry.
Were philanthropists such as Lever 'woke'? They'd have possibly said they were spreading the ideals of Christian brotherhood. Similarly those who opened university education to women or advanced suffrage. All things that I suggest, were they proposed today, might get shot down by some.
Leftists (I include myself) just feel there could be more compassion and recognition of the difficulties faced by 'under-dogs' in society, whether they are poor, an ethnic or religious minority, or differ from the majority in some other way. However it feels as if almost any attempt to provide opportunities for them to achieve their potential, or to recognise that they do struggle because of the attitudes within society, is often labelled as woke.
Of course, to question how a number of so called Christian conservatives drifted so far from the message of Christ and now actively focus on issues such as gender, abortion, sexuality, to further divide society and ridicule those that disagree with them, is peak woke. That they play a part in punitive laws against, homosexuality and womens rights being introduced in parts of Africa, Russia or Hungary is not something often discussed in our media. Perhaps because they are busy targeting refugees. How woke of me to suggest it.