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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    This got a mention in the last issue of Coin News I think but there were no pictures. I don't normally keep track of decimal stuff but it looks like a 2022 five pound was struck with a two pound obverse. Only one known so far.
  2. 1 point
    Picked up a nice L' entente cordiale medalette by lauer the other day to replace my manky old holed one . This is a nice example with lustre Still looking for the blackpool tower one though
  3. 1 point
    Well, they were generally supportive of womens suffrage and wider access to society. And likely anti-slavery. As for gender, that's a more modern issue as science and society have progressed, though there were people living as another gender as far back as the 19th century .. I expect they would have been labelled 'liberal' and criticised for interfering with a free market and 'tradition' .. Ultimately I see this through the lens of those detective stories where one has to ask 'who benefits/gains from this?' If you are a weak and not particularly popular leader, what better way to dilute your opposition than to get the general population angry about minor issues over the important ones? A 'war' with Ukraine distracts from problems in Russia. Abortion, gender and 'the swamp' distract from poor social support and increasing division of wealth in the US. A focus on homosexuality or religion/race distracts from questions about freedom of assembly, excessive prison terms, killings of opposition supporters elsewhere. Woke is now just a pejorative, like 'anti-fa' or BLM for what a long time ago would probably have been thought of as part of being 'socially conscious'.
  4. 1 point
    To me "woke" is just a dismissive term for things some people don't like. It's become so much a catch all it's almost meaningless beyond a rallying cry. Were philanthropists such as Lever 'woke'? They'd have possibly said they were spreading the ideals of Christian brotherhood. Similarly those who opened university education to women or advanced suffrage. All things that I suggest, were they proposed today, might get shot down by some. Leftists (I include myself) just feel there could be more compassion and recognition of the difficulties faced by 'under-dogs' in society, whether they are poor, an ethnic or religious minority, or differ from the majority in some other way. However it feels as if almost any attempt to provide opportunities for them to achieve their potential, or to recognise that they do struggle because of the attitudes within society, is often labelled as woke. Of course, to question how a number of so called Christian conservatives drifted so far from the message of Christ and now actively focus on issues such as gender, abortion, sexuality, to further divide society and ridicule those that disagree with them, is peak woke. That they play a part in punitive laws against, homosexuality and womens rights being introduced in parts of Africa, Russia or Hungary is not something often discussed in our media. Perhaps because they are busy targeting refugees. How woke of me to suggest it.
  5. 1 point
    I wonder how many were actually made. If they discovered the error after a test, then surely only a few examples would exist and I find it hard to believe that any would have escaped. Maybe the RM should be sporting and allow unintentional errors to be released to generate a bit of excitement?
  6. 1 point
    Thanks Tom and Paddy for confirming what I saw. Dracott 2004. This pairing, proof only. 2021, variety confirmed. Would this be for the proof coin only, or has a circulation coin be found prior to mine? I'm guessing mine is a circulation coin and not a poorly looked after proof. Await Gary, Richard, Bernie and Martin's views.
  7. 1 point
