I'm no longer on FB, but I remember the period prior to the formation of groups. FB never had a great search function, as it wasn't tailored at the outset to function as forums do. Nonetheless, FB largely killed forums of all types (for all my varied interests), sadly. Even with the creation of groups on FB, they never replaced the wealth of knowledge present in forums. I wouldn't be upset had they been used as a side means of posting sales/trades, since they do that well, but the fact forums all suffered, many to the point of folding, no longer hosted, it's disheartening. When I was on FB I ran some groups and tried adding 'notes' and 'files' and pinning informational topics, etc., but it still wasn't the same as a good old forum. But now hardly any activity happens in forums, so while older information is housed on them (if they're still hosted), it isn't necessarily current. I wish I had an idea how to draw people back, but I don't know that it's feasible, any more than getting numbers of people back on irc or in bulletin boards. Telegram (TG) and Discord may offer some more possibilities, perhaps, but layout still offers less than some aspects of forums, but more likely to entice groups of people. I personally use Telegram regularly, maybe a predecimal TG group could be tried out.