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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I think the whole point is that he took all the bronze at face value from circulation, and I have also read this was accumulated through a Scottish bus company; these would have been common coins for them to handle given the average fare was only a few pence. Freeman himself did the sorting into dates/varieties and prepared the statistics (actual numbers in his possession are given in the early penny book). He at one time held over 60,000 pennies, a personal investment of some £250 and I suspect that the bus company was perfectly happy to help with the research at no cost to themselves. He clearly took the halfpennies and farthings too as within five years of his initial work he was ready to publish the authoritative bronze volume. Jerry
  2. 1 point
    Seems logical - they get rid of all the shrapnel with out having to lug them to the bank themselves.
  3. 1 point
    Just adjust your bids. Everyone else will. Increasing fees does not increase gross prices - it just redistributes the shares of gross price as between vendor and auction house. In effect, the vendor will pay the increased fee - not you. If the auction house has (through its marketing and reputation and wot not) increased gross prices more than the fees - everyone is a winner 👍 If not, the vendor loses out. Not buyer.
  4. 0 points
    I've just had the St James Argentum catalogue through, and noticed that their buyers premium is now 24% + VAT, same as Noonans. Not sure if this has just happened or if they've had it a while, but I certainly didn't pay that when I last bought from them. It's only 5% odd extra, but it's all getting a bit expensive now. They know they're shooting fish in a barrel, but how long before the fish get canny?
