Unfortunately, this dissemination of information can, and probably will, be a double edged sword.
The producer (counterfeiter if applicable) can very easily learn his flaws and eliminate them in the future.
Richard, what you are providing to to the collecting community is invaluable, yet, due to the knowledge being shared, we now have to be more vigilant. The never ending cycle of good against evil.
As good as the top TPG's are (or at least claim to be), there are documented instances of them being fooled too.
We now have to contend with both genuine & counterfeit coins placed in counterfeit holders. We also have had instances of genuine holders being opened and resealed with lower grade coins replacing the original.
Unfortunately, there will always be someone uninformed who will be taken in by these coins or some who thinks the price is "too good to be true", not realizing that it truly is.
Again Richard, thank you for your website, it is most informative and should if possible, when no longer being added to, be published somehow in reference form. Possibly in disk form structured as a website.