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  1. 1 point
    You may be right, but I've never really understood what is meant by the term "lamination" in terms of a coin's surface. In this case it would presumably mean partial flaking of metal from the flan on striking not caused by any irregularity in the die. However, the P.1237 does show another similarly textured fissure on the left of the bust, stretching from the back of the King's head to the second G in Georgius. This can be seen on another example of the large crowned bust, the P.1220 lustrous copper example (lot 605, DNW Oct 2023). As this fissure is on more than one example, it has to be from a hairline die crack. Though I have not seen any other P.1237's with the complex fissuring to the right of Britannia shown in the example above.
