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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Yes, we've all seen the hilarious AI stuff, making out some ruined Sanyo music centre from the 70's is the best thing since sliced bread regarding aesthetics and sound reproduction, but what about coins???? Please post them here!!
  2. 1 point
    For the past 25 years or more, nonsense descriptions have been the norm. So how would you differentiate AI from the usual garbage? Indeed, you could argue that up to now the descriptions have predominantly been made by people with artificial intelligence and that eBay is only now catching up. Literacy or accuracy have never been a strong point of eBay listings.
  3. 1 point
    Participated at Noonans today, some interesting lots. This Cromwell shilling surprised me hammering at £2k incl premium. I had convinced myself that I might pick it up for a song however another bidder had seen something I didn’t. Im still looking 🧐
  4. 0 points
    Proof and pattern florins have gone through the roof in the last 5 or 6 years. I only want 3 'Godless' pieces to show the 3 obverses and 3 reverses and I have two, but when the third one on the list appeared in a sale last year, it made nearly 15K, or 10 times what I paid for the other two in 2010. At this level I'm a yesterday's man.
